I have been waiting for this paper to be live for a loooong time!
Exchange Server 2003 Client Access Guide
This guide provides information about working with Microsoft® Exchange Server™ 2003 and client access. It describes the new features for Exchange 2003 and Office Outlook® 2003, in addition to improvements in Outlook Web Access 2003.
- Anonymous
April 07, 2004
Looks to be a very worthwhile document.
(Am I allowed to say "pity it's not a PDF file"?)[Ducking] - Anonymous
April 07, 2004
Mike: You can say whatever you want =) I know there's some debate going on internally about which format to make documents available in, PDF vs Doc... I'm not sure what the reasons are on either side though. I'd be happy to pass along the feedback if you wanted to describe in more detail what you like about a PDF over a DOC. - Anonymous
April 09, 2004
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 09, 2004
This, the Transport and Routing Guide, and the Client Network Traffic white paper are all wunnerful.
I'm left with a question that has come up on some of the mailing lists recently: it appears that message limits on incoming messages (store limits, user limits, and virtual server limits) are not applied until the message is fully received by the server.
Is this true? Is there a way to change this behavior?
Thanks - Anonymous
April 16, 2004
Michael - no, sorry, there is no way to change this right now, the message must be full received before the restrictions are applied. It is being investigated for the future though. - Anonymous
April 25, 2004
PDF vs Doc: I prefer PDF as well. I hate when I click on a link to open a DOC, then I have to wait for Word to open, then change the display mode to print view or web view, then it prompts me to save changes when I close it, and so on. Also, it often happens I think I've changed focus and start typing something, then look back and see I've added text to the document. With the PDF you click on it, it opens up and you're done.
Plus, if you're at a public terminal, they may not have Word or the Word viewer on the machine, but they generally always have Adobe Reader installed. - Anonymous
April 25, 2004
Scott - actually, I prefer DOC for the same reason - I hate waiting for acrobat to load. There's a decent chance I might already have Word loaded, and Word doesn't do the auto-update-check and Acrobat just seems to take a long time to load. Plus, I can't think of the last time I was at a public terminal, but that's just my usage pattern.