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IRhetoric - Karsten Januszewski

Avalon: Convergence in the Simulacrum

Inter Process Communication Between Applications and Vista Gadgets Using WCF (Part 1)

I recently faced the design challenge of getting an application and gadget to communicate. How to...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/20/2006

WPF 3D Performance Troubleshooting

I was recently involved in some analysis of a WPF application which used 3D heavily that wasn't...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/16/2006

WPF Vista Gadgets - Part 2: Using ActiveX

In my earlier post, I talked about WPF in the Sidebar by using the IFRAME to host XBAPs. In this...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/09/2006

Yahoo .NET Developer Center -- With XAML Code Sample!

Check out the page on the Yahoo .NET Developer Center that shows how to databind to the Yahoo...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/05/2006

WPF Vista Gadgets - Part 1: Using XBAP and IFRAME

If you are following Vista, you are probably aware of the Sidebar, real estate on the desktop that...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/04/2006

Limitations of Multiple AppDomains in WPF and The Challenges of Creating a Plug-in Architecture

AppDomains In doing some recent prototype work, the fact that WPF does not support multiple...

Author: karstenj Date: 10/04/2006

WPF Feature Montage Ported to RC1

I posted a build of the WPF Feature Montage that works with RC1. This is a great demo that walks...

Author: karstenj Date: 09/08/2006

Some Additional Pointers and Thoughts On RC1

If you haven't heard, all of the various pieces you need to do development on WPF are available now...

Author: karstenj Date: 09/08/2006

On Petzold's Applications = Code + Markup

Tim Sneath walked into my office the other day and laid Charles Petzold's Applications = Code +...

Author: karstenj Date: 08/31/2006

InvokeStress as a Tool for Doing QA and Stress With WPF

A tool called InvokeStress has just been posted up in the Developer Tools area on the

Author: karstenj Date: 08/22/2006

Clearing .xbap Cache on a machine without the SDK

If you are doing development of browser-hosted .xbap WPF applications, there can be some confusion...

Author: karstenj Date: 08/09/2006

Cool Flickr MCE XBAP: Mobilewares Big Screen Photos

This has been out for awhile, but I thought it was so well done that it is worth installing. Check...

Author: karstenj Date: 07/28/2006

Ever get this? "System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Unexpected end of element when parsing an object. BAML stream might be corrupted."

Ever get this? System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Unexpected end of element when parsing an...

Author: karstenj Date: 07/28/2006

Runtime XAML Debugging in WPF

Been porting a lot of code lately and the support for runtime XAML debugging to get line numbers has...

Author: karstenj Date: 07/24/2006

New Screencast Showing Workflow Between Graphic Designer and Interactive Designer

How would you like to create assets in Graphic Designer and apply them to your WPF applications in...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/20/2006

Up on the Expression blog, a fantastic tutorial that isn't in the docs yet has been posted. I just...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/20/2006

Workflow Between Expression Interactive Designer and VS

Nathan Dunlap, WPF designer extraordinaire, put together a fantastic screencast and code sample that...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/16/2006

3D Integration in Windows Presentation Foundation: Daniel Lehenbauer Does It Again

How did I miss this? Daniel's show on 3D Integration in Windows Presentation Foundation is really...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/15/2006


Wikis are only as good as the contributors, but the new MSDN wiki is already shaping up to be quite...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/14/2006

Thoughts On Video on 3D in WPF

I have uploaded Sandbox3D into the WPF Gallery. I added back the X, Y and Z axes using...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/14/2006

.XBAP Development Made Easy (Or At Least Easier)

Karen Corby has published a template for Visual Studio that allows you to seamlessly switch between...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/14/2006

Are you looking for all the important links for Vista WPF WPF/E .NET 3 Expression XAML Atlas and...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/13/2006

Animation Abstraction: Check Out Brandon Furtwangler's Animation Behaviors

The WPF animation capabilities are powerful, but a bit opaque. EID helps, although in its current...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/13/2006

Now that the WPF Community Site is live, I'm migrating all my samples to there. So, the first one is...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/12/2006

Updated MSDN Article on Dynamic Animations in WPF

I've updated an MSDN article that I wrote quite awhile back called Creating 2-D and 3-D Dynamic...

Author: karstenj Date: 06/08/2006


Those lamenting the loss of ScreenSpaceLines3D -- count me as one of them as I used them in...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/30/2006

Escaping XPath syntax in WPF Databinding

Another thing that recently came up which isn't documented that I thought I'd pass on: if you have...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/30/2006

XAML Syntax Tightening: Order Matters

In recently porting some code to Beta 2 of WPF, I hit one of the XAML Syntax Tightening changes that...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/30/2006

The ZIndex Property -- At Last!

There are a handful of new features in Beta 2 and lots of performance tweaks and bug fixes. My...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/23/2006

Beta 2

So if you haven't heard yet, Beta 2 is out of Vista, WinFX and the Expression suite including...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/23/2006

The WPF Blog: A Flash Developer's Blog on Learning WPF

Lee Brimelow, from the venerable Frog Design, has a blog called The WPF Blog about his experiences...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/22/2006

Catching XAML Exceptions

If you have worked with XAML, you may have noticed that the exception handling is, well,...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/16/2006

MIX Sessions Posted -- More on the My Yahoo Prototype

If you haven't heard, all of the MIX sessions are now posted. Definitely check out Darren David's...

Author: karstenj Date: 05/05/2006

Andrew Whiddett on Visual Tree Helpers

Andrew Whiddett, from REZN8, who contributes useful snippets of code and learnings as he works with...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/19/2006

Phenomenological Layout in WPF: More on Layout Animations

In a recent post, I stated explaining some of the work done in the AMG-Mercedes demo to handle...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/18/2006

AMG-Mercedes Prototype: Handling Layout Animations and the Beauty of the Viewbox

Earlier, I mentioned that I would go through some of the learnings from the different partner...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/11/2006

We Are Hiring On Our Team

My colleague, Tim Sneath, has the skinny on the positions open on our team. And, if you want to know...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/10/2006

More Thoughts on the Curve: How To Hit It and What Comes Next

Thanks to those who responded to my post on hitting the curve, or cliff as PsiSpace put it. Please...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/07/2006

Hitting the Curve: On WPF and Productivity

So there is this contradiction that many people have when they first dig into WPF. Let's take a...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/05/2006

Back From MIX and Fired Up

So MIX06 may be old news, but it is still fresh in my mind. I took a week off after the show but now...

Author: karstenj Date: 04/04/2006

BBC Demo at MIX in Bill Gates Keynote - All Avalon All The Time

If you were at MIX or watched the webcase, you may have seen the very cool BBC demo in Bill Gates...

Author: karstenj Date: 03/20/2006

Channel 9 Interview

If you are interested in seeing me demo some cool WPF demos and eat a carrot in my office, check out...

Author: karstenj Date: 03/11/2006

The North Face In-Store Explorer White Paper and Sample Updated for February CTP

Up on MSDN, the The North Face In-Store Explorer White Paper and Sample has been posted, updated for...

Author: karstenj Date: 03/10/2006

Looping Video in the February CTP

To get media files looping in the February CTP, you need to wire up a media timeline and manually...

Author: karstenj Date: 03/01/2006

February CTP of WinFX Published -- Breaking Changes

If you haven't seen, the February CTP of WinFX is live. Be sure to check out the release notes if...

Author: karstenj Date: 02/22/2006

ClickOnce and XML files not being published by Visual Studio

I was recently doing a deployment of a non-browser hosted WPF application. It contained some XML...

Author: karstenj Date: 02/21/2006

Essential .xbap/clickonce development tool for clearing application cache

If you are writing an .xbap/clickonce application, you may want to be aware of the mage.exe tool...

Author: karstenj Date: 02/17/2006

Expression Interactive Designer: Three Discoveries

I decided to try and improve the look of my Sandbox3D by opening and styling it in Expression...

Author: karstenj Date: 02/10/2006

Sandbox3D- -- Updated for Jan CTP (Finally!)

With Daniel Lehenbauer starting a nifty GotDotNet 3dTools project and with Mike Hodnick writing a...

Author: karstenj Date: 02/08/2006

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