SQL Server 2008 Hierarchies and HierarchyID
Here are some notes on "SQL Server 2008 Hierarchies and HierarchyID" I took while attending an advanced class on SQL Server taught by Paul Nielsen (from https://www.sqlserverbible.com).
Please note that, although these notes were taken during the class, I might have added some of my own (mis)interpretation :-). Always check your facts on Books Online (I try to provide links when applicable). As with anything else you get from a blog, never use any of this in production before you thoroughly validate it a test environment. Please keep in mind that some of those will be hard to follow without some pre-requisite knowledge and the right context. Reading the post from top to bottom will help.
- Use cases: Hierarchy, graphs (many to many), XML indexing
- Adjacency Lists: Species trees, directory folders, simple org charts
- Dual parent adjacency list: Genealogies
- Multiple Cardinality: Bill of materials, complex org charts
- See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb677290.aspx
Adjacency pairs
- Case: ManagerID in person table (AdventureWorks, 2005 or earlier)
- Usually implemented as column pointing to PK on same table
- Easy to find one level up or down, easy to reparent (replace manager)
- Can leverage Recursive CTEs, user-defined functions
Bill of Materials
- Case: Keeping track of all parts, subparts required to build a device
- Case: Classes are pre-requisites to multiple other classes
- m:m adjacency pairs
- Typically implemented as an associative table
- Can leverage user-defined functions
Materialized Path
- Absolute path for row stored in database
- Usually implemented as a text column in the table, using some sort of delimiter.
- Example: 1 - 1.1 - 1.1.1 - 1.1.2 - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.3.1
- Example: /A - /B - /B/C - /B/D - /B/D/E - /B/D/F - /G
- Easy to store as primary key, search all levels, difficult to reparent, fast queries
- User-defined function to calculate materialized path (could be used in index)
- You could also have the parent ID in parallel (use both at once)
- Like a materialized path: easy to search all levels, difficult to reparent
- Easier to use as compound key
- Example: /1/ - /1/1/ - /1/1/1/ - /1/2/
- Compact design: CLR Data Type (SQLTypes library – SQLHierarchyID)
- Used by SQL Server 2008 in the “hid” field in XML Indexing
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc794278.aspx
HierarchyID - Methods
- GetRoot, GetAncestor, GetDescendant
- GetLevel, IsDescendantOf, GetReparentedValue
- ToString, Parse, Read, Write
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb677193.aspx
HierarchyID – Indexing
- Index by Node – Index on (HierarchyID)
- Index by Level – Index on (Level[persisted], HierarchyID)
Hierarchy – Demo – Adjacency Pairs
- Putting ManagerID back in AdventureWorks2008
- OrganizationNode is HierarchyID in HumanResources.Employee table
- Self-join on M.OrganizationNode = E.OrganizationNode.GetAncestor(1)
- See https://sqlblog.com/blogs/paul_nielsen/archive/2008/10/03/recursive-ctes-in-adventureworks-2008.aspx
- Watching out for runaway loops (similar to deadlock detection).
Hierarchy – Demo – Materialized Path
- Creating a column, storing the hierarchy
- Querying in multiple ways, using functions
- Storing the Level in an index, querying by level
Hierarchy – Demo – HierachyID
- Using AdventureWorks2008, which uses OrganizationalNode, which is a HierarchyID
- Looking at it as binary, .ToString.
- Querying based on a string (no need to convert to binary)
- Query a node to @Manager, querying all nodes under @Manager using .IsDescendentOf
- How to insert – Use HierarchyID::GetRoot() or manager.GetDescendant(...)
Read more at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc721270.aspx
(includes other topics, search for HierarchyID)