SQL Server 2008 Fragmentation
Here are some notes on "SQL Server 2008 Fragmentation" I took while attending an advanced class on SQL Server taught by Paul Randal https://sqlskills.com/AboutPaulSRandal.asp).
Please note that, although these notes were taken during the class, I might have added some of my own (mis)interpretation :-). Always check your facts on Books Online (I try to provide links when applicable). As with anything else you get from a blog, never use any of this in production before you thoroughly validate it a test environment. Please keep in mind that some of those will be hard to follow without the right pre-requisite knowledge and the right context. Reading the post from top to bottom will help.
Types of searches
- Full scans
- Binary searches
- Linear interpolation - fixed record size, monotonely increasing key
Singleton Lookup
- Index Seek / Clustered Index Seek
- Find record using index pages
Allocation Order Scan
- Table Scan or unordered Clustered/Index Scan
- Pages splits during allocation order scans
- Table lock helps (TABLOCK, TABLOCKX) but not required
Advanced scanning
- Also known as "Merry-go-round" scan
- Multiple scans on the same table
- First scan starts, second scan joins in the middle, later scans the rest
- Enterprise edition only
- allocation order scans only
- See https://www.sqlmag.com/Article/ArticleID/49285/sql_server_49285.html
- See https://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191475.aspx
Range Scan
- Index Scan / Clustered Index Scan
- Find first, then follw next page pointer
- Pre-reading of pages in the leaf level during Range Scans
- 1, 8 or 32 pages (8KB, 64KB or 256KB) - only if pages are contiguous
- 128 pages (1024KB) only in Enterprise edition
- Logical fragmentation prevents optimal readahead
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191475.aspx
Logical Fragmentation
- Next page pointer does not point to next physical page
- DBCC SHOWCONTIG is deprecated now
- Look at avg_fragmentation_in_percent in sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
- Not relevant if you have a small number of pages (less than 100?)
- Not relevant if all pages are already in the buffer pool (in cache)
- Logical IOs are not necessarily physical IOs
When to do something about it
- When to rebuild/reorganize? It always depends...
- Different for data warehouse or OLTP, for instance
- If you must have a number: 5-30% - ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE
- If you must have a number: >30% - ALTER INDEX REBUILD WITH (ONLINE = ON)*
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189858.aspx
- Many just rebuild everything every week (could be totally unnecessary)
Extent Fragmentation
- Extents are not contiguous
- Affects readahead, but not much (can read 8 but not 32 pages)
- In a heap, logical fragmentation is actually extent fragmentation
- With multiple files, round robin does not necessarily mean fragmentation
- Interesting KB: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/329526
Page Density
- How much space is actually in use in the page
- Affected by row size (5K fixed-length row leaves 3K unused in every page)
- Affected by page splits
- Affected by FILLFACTOR
- In the end, low page density leads to more IOs
- This is actually a kind of fragmentation
Page Splits
- Page is full and you need to add something (INSERT, UPDATE with larger data)
- Take half the rows to a new page, fix up all the pointers in both
- Could lead to page splits to non-leaf levels, all the way up to the root
- All fully logged, not matter what log level you are in
- Typically creates two low-density pages and are not contiguous
- Does not happen with a heap, only with a clustered index
- Does not happen with a key that is ever increasing (like identity)
Things that cause fragmentation
- GUID as high order key (NEWSEQUENTIALID can help)
- Variable lenght colums
- Misconfigured FILLFACTOR
- Wide rows (with 5K rows being the typical example)
- Clustered indexes that cause random insertion order (sales with customer,date)
- Leave space on pages to avoid page splits in leaf level
- Applies only on rebuild, not when doing INSERT/UPDATE
- PAD_INDEX will do the same thing for non-leaf level
- For data warehouse, no need for FILLFACTOR
- For OLTP, it's hard to calculate the ideal factor, no quick answer
- Look at how many splits, how frequently you can rebuild
- Pick a value, watch how it goes. Then change factor or rebuild frequency
- If you must choose a number, try 70%
Symptoms of at Fragmentation
- Longer run times
- More disk activity (SET STATISTICS IO ON)
- More logging activity
Looking at Fragmentation
- Query sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (replaces DBCC SHOWCONTIG)
- Look at avg_fragmentation_in_percent for fragmentation
- Look at avg_page_space_used_in_percent for page density
- You can summarize the results, join with sys.indexes to show index names
- See sample query at https://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/paul/post/Can-GUID-cluster-keys-cause-non-clustered-index-fragmentation.aspx
Querying sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats
- It could be expensive, since it bring lots of pages into the buffer pool
- DETAILED (reads everything)
- SAMPLED (reads 1% of the pages if less than 10,000 pages)
- LIMITED (parent level of b-tree, same as DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH FAST)
- Limited can't tell you page density, since it does not read the page level
Fixing fragmentation
- Three main choices
- Rebuild - ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD (replaces DBCC REINDEX)
- DROP, CREATE (separately) not good due to possible issue with constraints
- You can also decide not to do anything at all
- You don't necessarily have to rebuild everything every day...
- Can be done online (unless you have LOB columns)
- Can use multiple CPUs (control with MAXDOP)
- Works single partition or all partitions
- Rebuilds index statistics (equivalent of a full scan)
- Does not update column statistics
- Can be minimally logged
- Atomic. If you interrupt, it rolls back.
- Online - short-hold Shared lock, short-hold SCHema_Mod lock
- Offline clustered - eXclusive lock
- Offline non-clustered - Shared lock
- Creates new before dropping old. Reads from the old index.
- Always rebuilds everything. Faster for largely fragmented indexes.
Online Index Rebuild
- 1) Preparation - New index is created and set to write-only
- very short Shared lock
- 2) Build - Data is inserted from source.
- Two copies of the data being updated
- Scans know they shouldn't use the other - "anti-matter" record
- 3) Final - Index metadata is updated.
- short-hold SCHema_Mod lock
- Old data is dropped
- Details at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191261.aspx
- Basically same as rebuild
- Can move to a new location
- Can change the schema
- Good way to do a shrink without using shrink
- Is always online (even if you have LOB columns)
- Always single threaded
- Works single partition or all partitions
- Table IX lock - locks only TABLOCKs and escalated locks
- Addresses only existing fragmentation
- Faster for lightly fragemented indexes
- Does not use much extra space
Reorganize Phase 1 - Page compaction
- Moves data from neighbor pages to get closer to FILLFACTOR
- Leaf level only. Works on a sliding window (a few pages at a time)
- Tries eXclusive lock on the pages involved. If can't, moves on.
- If it can empty pages, it will deallocated them.
- It will also remove ghost records.
Reorganize Phase 2 - Page defragment
- Make logical order the same as the allocation order
- Leaf level only. Shuffle pages arounds without using extra space.
- Uses one extra free page (page type 19 - unlinked reorg page)
- Locks enough pages to get the operation done without blocking others.
- Reminded me of the "towers of hanoi" problem :-)
SQL Server Best Practices Article - Predeployment I/O Best Practices
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
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