SQL Server 2008 Change Tracking (CT) and Change Data Capture (CDC)
Here are some notes on "SQL Server 2008 Change Tracking (CT) and Change Data Capture (CDC)" I took while attending an advanced class on SQL Server taught by Paul Nielsen (from https://www.sqlserverbible.com).
Please note that, although these notes were taken during the class, I might have added some of my own (mis)interpretation :-). Always check your facts on Books Online (I try to provide links when applicable). As with anything else you get from a blog, never use any of this in production before you thoroughly validate it a test environment. Please keep in mind that some of those will be hard to follow without some pre-requisite knowledge and the right context. Reading the post from top to bottom will help.
Auditing and Monitoring
- Before SQL Server 2000: Profiler/Trace, after triggers, sysmon/perfmon, error log
- SQL Server 2000 and later: C2Audit, Security Login to Logs
- SQL Server 2005 and later: Triggers (instead of, logon, DDL), CommonCriteria, DMVs, BBTrace, Event Notification
- SQL Server 2008 and later: Change Tracking, CDC, Extended Events, SQLAudit, MDW/Collector, PBM
Change Tracking
- Change Tracking is lightweight, easy to implement, good for synching/ETL
- Change Tracking is synchronous, happens as part of the transaction
- Change Tracking not good for auditing, limited context info
- Change Tracking main use cases ETL update / custom synch with offline app
- Change Tracking set up with ALTER DATABASE / ALTER TABLE
- Query with functions
- Test for column changes, store context info from app code
- Use SNAPSHOT ISOLATION to avoid version changes during the operation
Change Tracking – Demo - Database
- Need to pull the data every 24 hours, so you don’t lose any changes
- You can change settings and disable it
- Check with Select * from sys.change_tracking_databases
- Can also be configured/changed with SSMS
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb964713.aspx
Change Tracking – Demo – Table
- Primary key required on the table
- Check with sys.internal_tables, sys.change_tracking_tables – can find the actual table used for tracking
- Current version via change_tracking_current_version() – database wide, starts with 0
- Can also be configured/changed with SSMS
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb933949.aspx
Change Tracking – Demo – Synchronization
- Using change tracking to update synch changes from offline application
- Set it up, insert a few rows in a table
- Select * from CHANGETABLE(CHANGES table, version)
- Select change_tracking_min_valid_version
- Created SP to update main table with a MERGE statement, keep track with last version
- Made changes, synched, checked if it worked with a FULL OUTER JOIN
- Used CHANGE_TRACKING_IS_COLUMN_IN_MASK, sys_change_columns to find out which columns changed
- Set security context WITH CHANGE_TRACKING_CONTEXT (string) DML
- Query later in ApplicationContext column in change table
Change Data Capture – CDC
- Efficient for ETL, Enterprise Edition Only, Uses Transaction Log
- Asynchronous, incremental data changes, requires SQL Server agent
- Job that pulls off the transaction log and writes to specific tables
- There’s still a performance hit, but could be used for OLTP
- Will hold the log until it is consumed by the async job.
- White Paper at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd266396.aspx
CDC – Setup for DB
- Enable on DB: sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
- Query status on DB: sys.databases.is_cdc_enabled
- Disable for a database: sys.sp_cdc_disable_db
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc627369.aspx
CDC – Setup for table
- Enable for table: sp_cdc_enable_table
- Disabling for table: sp_cdc_disabe_table
- Creates two jobs – Capture and cleanup
- Creates a system table – cdc.schema_table_ct
- Same columns as base table, plus _$start_lsn, _$end_lsn, _$operation, _$seqval, _$updatemask
CDC functions
- Sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn(relational operator, time)
- Sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time
- Sys.fn_cdc_increment_lsn
- Sys.fn_cdc_decrement_lsn
- Sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn
- Sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn
- fn_cdc_get_all_changes_schema_table
- fn_cdc_get_net_change_schema_table
- sys.fn_cdc_is_bit_set
- Sys.fn_cdc_get_column_ordinal
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645858.aspx
Comparing CDC and CT
- CDC uses the transaction log, CT does not
- CDC is asynchronous (after transaction), CT is synchronous (during transaction)
- CDC is configured with SP, CT uses ALTER …
- CDC depends on SQL Agent, CT does not
- See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280519.aspx
Nielsen’s own: AutoAudit
- Third-party tool to generate audit trail triggers (use with care, read the fine print)
- SQL Server (2005, 2008) Code-Gen utility that creates Audit Trail Triggers with:
- - Created, Modified, and RowVersion (incrementing INT) columns to table
- - view to reconstruct deleted rows
- - UDF to reconstruct Row History
- - Schema Audit Trigger to track schema changes
- - Re-code-gens triggers when Alter Table changes the table
- Available from Codeplex at https://autoaudit.codeplex.com/
- See https://sqlblog.com/blogs/paul_nielsen/archive/2007/01/15/codegen-to-create-fixed-audit-trail-triggers.aspx
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
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January 01, 2003
I took some advanced SQL Server 2008 classes recently and shared my notes in a series of blog posts.