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Billy Currington web site has IE8 Web Slice

Billy is hot right now, with an album climbing the charts, and his hit “People are Crazy” riding high for a couple of weeks. Furthermore, his fans can now enjoy news and video from Billy right in their browser. Using our “web slice” feature, whenever Billy’s news is updated, subscribers to Mr. Currington’s web slice will get a visual notification. Here’s what the web slice looks like.




Subscribing to Billy’s news

It’s easy and safe.

  • Get the latest Internet Explorer on your box. Install from here.
  • Go to
  • Note the web slice icon as your mouse goes over new news section, or note at the top of IE8. This indicator looks like The Web Slice Icon (64x64), and lets you know that content is waiting on you. This icon shows up other popular sites today, like ESPN, eBay, and others.
  • Click on the web slice icon. You’ll get a confirmation screen. Click on “Add to Favorites Bar”.


  • That’s it.

Now, there’s a “Billy Currington” button at the top of IE8. When it’s bold, I know there’s new content waiting for me. Here’s what it looks like:




Build a Web Slice tutorial

In case my technical friends want to know how to do this easy construction, look at