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Office and Cycling are inseparable

So, I'm riding up the 520 this morning (taking it a little easy because I've had either a brutal cold or SARS for the past four days, I couldn't tell the difference), and I said 'Hello' to another cyclist climbing the hill (too many cyclists are notoriously self-absorbed and think it beneath them to wave to others when riding, so I'm trying in vain to turn this around). Fortunately, this cyclist was wanting to chat a little too, so we did. It was none other than Elden Nelson (now working at Microsoft in our MS Learning area). He is a long-standing member of the Office dev community and former editor in chief for ASP.NETPro magazine. We chatted about riding, work, and our kids (we each have four). We both went to BYU (I didn't know until this morning). Small world.

I have found a lot of cyclists in the Office dev community, and OfficeZealot kingpin Chris Kunicki rides like a madman in Minnesota. The official Office cycling jerseys are exorbitantly priced (like $75), so I refuse to wear one. I figure it's one of the least things the Office division can do for me is pass along cycling jersey!

Great discussion going on still regarding the task pane:

Rock Thought for the Day: Gotta love the Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK. I never had the courage (or stupidity?) to shave my head into a mohawk with a huge neon green crest when I was in high school, but I thought about it more than once. Ah, the follies of youth! I'm glad I grew up, but I hope I have retained the sense of curiosity that surged through me back then.

Rock On
