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Go ahead -- Rip my blog! (And web IM me, too)

That is, if you like my blog.  Smile  I've added a couple new gadgets a little ways down the right hand column of the blog. 

The first is a Popfly gadget of my blog.  Why a gadget of my blog on my blog?  Sort of redundant, no?  Well, yes.  But, if you like the blog you can use the Popfly gadget to grab the "embed code" of the Popfly gadget itself and put it where ever you'd like to see it -- Spaces, FaceBook, or any web page that accepts an html paste.   

This way, instead of just having a static blogroll link, you could actually let people scroll through my blog posts right from your site.  Now, I wouldn't expect anyone to have too many of these -- screen real estate and page load times would both get out of hand.  Even so, for a blog that you really like, this is pretty cool. 

If anyone out there wants me to put their Popfly blog gadget on my side bar, just embed mine and leave a link in the comments to where I can grab yours.   If you don't have one, it takes about 5 minutes to create.  (Maybe 15 minutes if you watch the entire "how to" video!)  I'll do 3 at a time, and rotate them if there's more interest.  Should be fun! 

Second, I added the Windows Messenger IM control.  Now, you can IM me right from my blog page to say things like "What the heck do you know about Apple's business strategy -- they just opened the iPhone and Mac sales were up!"  Smile  You can use your Windows Live ID, or just remain anonymous.   Your messages will pop up in my Windows Live Messenger client, just as if you were on your own Messenger client!    And if you don't want to IM me, but just want to know my presence - that's there, too.  Very cool! 

Technorati tags: popfly, Windows Live, Messenger control, blogging
