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Apple “pulls a Toyota” – Stops selling iMacs due to poor quality

rustyapple_thumbAlex over at The Next Web actually goes so far as to call the 27” iMacs “iLemons”….  A little harsh, but the Mac quality problems have been well documented since the iMacs and Snow Leopard came out last fall.   

Although I couldn’t resist using the “rusty apple” graphic, in all seriousness I believe it’s important to compete respectfully with Apple, and not to make light of a competitors’ misfortune or the pain it causes consumers.  Hopefully, they will be able to get their current quality problems under control.   

toyota logoFor more info, the site Hardmac has the original report of Apple’s decision to stop manufacturing the iMacs, here.

The Toyota analogy only goes so far, of course… fortunately, the buggy iMacs just make people unhappy versus unsafe. 

I wonder if there’s a recall coming? 

Technorati Tags: apple,imac,quality problems

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