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Powertoy updated: OneNote 2010 Privatizer

Gary had some extra time so he updated the notebook cleaner and privatizer for OneNote 2010. Installation is the same -exit OneNote and just run the setup.exe. You will get a new button on the Add-Ins tab for Clean Notebook:


To use it, read the directions for the ON 2007 version (link above) and then just navigate to the notebook you want to clean and click "Clean Notebook." The addin will navigate through the notebook very quickly, then pop up a dialog as it cleans each page in the notebook. If your notebook is very large, this may take a while to go through each page.

When it is done, your name (or any author name) will have been removed so you can package the notebook (File | Save As | OneNote package format) and distribute it to anyone.

The link for the download is below my signature.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,


OneNote 2010