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Tool to allow inline IL in C# / VB.Net

C# doesn’t support inline IL.  As an experiment, I wrote a post-compiler tool that allows primitive IL inlining for C# / VB.Net (or any .net language).

(My main goal here was I actually wanted to try out fxcop and needed some pet project to do it with - but that’s another story).



Here are some examples of inputs that it can compile. It also handles the pdbs properly, so you can even debug the IL snippets alongside the rest of the source code.


1) A trivial example of inline IL in C#.

using System;

class Program


    static void Main()


        int x = 3;

        int y = 4;

        int z = 5;

        // Here's some inline IL; “x=x+y+z”

#if IL

        ldloc x

        ldloc y


        ldloc z


        stloc x







2) A similarly trivial example of inline IL in VB.Net

' VB demo with inline IL

module m1

sub Main()


        Dim x As Integer

        x = 3

#If IL Then

        // Here's some inline IL

        ldloc x



        stloc x

#End If


    End Sub

end module



3) An example of using inline IL to inject a filter in C#. This is more interesting because C# doesn’t support filters, so we’re actually adding new functionality here.

using System;

class Foo


    static void ThrowMe()


        throw new ArgumentException();


    static void Main()


        string x;

        object ex = null;

#if IL

        // declare a new local.

        .locals init (int32 ghi)




            x = "a";


#if IL

            leave.s IL_ExitTryCatch

        } // end try block



            // Exception object is on the stack.

            stloc ex


            Console.WriteLine("Inside Filter. Object=" + ex);

            x += "b";

#if IL

            ldc.i4.1 // true - execute handler


        } // end filter

        { // begin handler


            Console.WriteLine("Yow! In handler now!");

            x += "c";

#if IL

            leave.s IL_ExitTryCatch

        } // end handler

        IL_ExitTryCatch: nop


        Console.WriteLine("Back in C#");


    } // end Main

} // end Class Foo




How does it work?

This IL inliner is really just a parlor trick. It’s just a  post-compile tool which round trips the source  through ilasm / ildasm, and injects the new IL in the middle.


1) It invokes another process (such as C# / VB.Net) to compile the original source using the high level compiler. E.g.:

csc %input_file% /debug+ /out:%temp_output%

You’ll notice the IL snippets are conveniently under an #ifdef such that the compiler doesn’t get confused by it. This also introduces a key limitation which I’ll discuss below.

2) ILDasm the output. E.g.:

ildasm %temp_output% /linenum /out=%temp_il_output%

3) Find the inline IL snippets in the original source. It turns out that ilasm is sufficiently intelligent that this is mainly just text processing. You could do it with a perl script.

4) Inject these snippets back into the ildasm output from step #2. Be sure to add .line directives to map the pdbs

5) run ilasm on the newly merged file.

ilasm %temp_il_output% /output=%output_file% /optimize /debug


Here’s a quick demo. For the first C# example, the main() function from the IL file before injecting the snippet (%temp_il_output%) is:

  .method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed



    // Code size 14 (0xe)

    .maxstack 1

    .locals init ([0] int32 x,

             [1] int32 y,

             [2] int32 z)

    .language '{3F5162F8-07C6-11D3-9053-00C04FA302A1}', '{994B45C4-E6E9-11D2-903F-00C04FA302A1}', '{5A869D0B-6611-11D3-BD2A-0000F80849BD}'

    .line 6,6 : 9,19 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

    IL_0000: ldc.i4.3

    IL_0001: stloc.0

    .line 7,7 : 9,19 ''

    IL_0002: ldc.i4.4

    IL_0003: stloc.1

    .line 8,8 : 9,19 ''

    IL_0004: ldc.i4.5

    IL_0005: stloc.2

    .line 19,19 : 9,30 '' ß snippet goes before this line

    IL_0006: ldloc.0

    IL_0007: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)

    IL_000c: nop

    .line 20,20 : 5,6 ''

    IL_000d: ret

  } // end of method Program::Main




After injecting the IL snippet, that function looks like:

  .method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed



    // Code size 14 (0xe)

// removed .maxstack declaration

    .locals init ([0] int32 x,

             [1] int32 y,

             [2] int32 z)

    .language '{3F5162F8-07C6-11D3-9053-00C04FA302A1}', '{994B45C4-E6E9-11D2-903F-00C04FA302A1}', '{5A869D0B-6611-11D3-BD2A-0000F80849BD}'

    .line 6,6 : 9,19 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

    IL_0000: ldc.i4.3

    IL_0001: stloc.0

    .line 7,7 : 9,19 ''

    IL_0002: ldc.i4.4

    IL_0003: stloc.1

    .line 8,8 : 9,19 ''

    IL_0004: ldc.i4.5

    IL_0005: stloc.2

.line 12,12 : 1,16 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

        ldloc x

.line 13,13 : 1,16 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

        ldloc y

.line 14,14 : 1,12 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'


.line 15,15 : 1,16 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

        ldloc z

.line 16,16 : 1,12 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'


.line 17,17 : 1,16 'c:\\temp\\y2.cs'

        stloc x

    .line 19,19 : 9,30 ''

    IL_0006: ldloc.0

    IL_0007: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)

    IL_000c: nop

    .line 20,20 : 5,6 ''

    IL_000d: ret

  } // end of method Program::Main




What sort of limitations are there?

On the bright side, this inliner is pretty cheap. It’s under 1000 lines of C#. It operates on the IL level and so can work cross-language without a compiler change. That said, it works well enough on the samples above but it does have some key limitations, including:

1) The compiler (e.g. csc.exe) is completely ignorant to the IL snippets. This greatly simplifies the model but also introduces some issues:

a. The compiler doesn’t know about any locals declared in the IL snippets.

b. The compiler can’t do any analysis on the IL snippets. This can be critical in dead-code detection. If the only reference to C# code is via the IL snippet, CSC will think it’s dead code and remove it, and then the code will be unavailable for the inliner. This is why the C# filter example above puts the throw in its own function.

2) There are limitations to stitching the high-level source code and the IL together. For example, you can’t share labels across the boundary. Also, the compiler doesn’t know about declarations from the IL snippets.

3) The inliner only supports IL statements. It doesn’t support IL expressions, members, or types.  Supporting expressions would require real integration with the compiler, and also provide little value since they can trivially be converted into statements. Supporting members would also require real integration with the compiler so that the rest of the compiler could see the newly declared member. Supporting types don’t make sense since the type could just be in its own IL file.


Overall, I think this is a cute academic exercise, but not fit for commercial purposes.



Random issues with ILAsm

There are a few ilasm/ildasm issues to be aware of when doing this:

1) ILasm/ildasm and the symbol store.

At first, I thought I’d need to use the managed symbol store to do things like

- determine where in the IL code to inject the IL snippet. This would be mapping the source-line of the snippet back to a function and IL offset, and then injecting the snippet there.

- resolve variable names to IL variable indices. This would mean transforming ‘ldloc x’ into ‘ldloc 0’ if x was IL var 0.


It turns out that you can view ILasm as an alternative (text-based) symbol store interface. ILdasm will automatically load the pdbs and resolve variable names to indices. Thus you can blindly  inject “ldloc x” into the IL stream and it will resolve the variable ‘x’ for you.

ILdasm will also inject ‘.line’ directives for the managed sequence points if you pass the /linenum switch. This lets you preserve sequence points when round-tripping. You can also determine where to inject the IL snippets by parsing the IL text for ‘.line’ directives instead of actually cracking the symbol store.


2) Mapping IL snippets back to source.

Just as we single-step through the high-level source, we want to be able to debug the inline IL. There are two things we need to do here. First, need to map the lines of the IL snippet back to the source via injecting our own ‘.line’ directives. If we don’t do this, our IL snippets will map back to either a random ‘.line’ directive occurring earlier in the file, or the temporary %temp_il_output% file that we created. ILasm can only place ‘.line’ directives before statements, so we need to do a little hacky parsing to determine that.  Make sure the filenames in the ‘.line’ directives have consistent casing or that may confuse debuggers.

Second, we need to ilasm with the /debug flag (instead of /debug=impl), which tells the jitter to explicitly use the sequence points we specified as opposed to inferring sequence points based off various heuristics (such as stack-empty points). The downside is that there’s a perf hit to using explicit sequence points.


3) Removing the ‘.maxstack’ directive.

When we did the ildasm, it emiited ‘.maxstack’ directives describing the stack space needed based off just the high-level source code. That will change when we add the new IL. If we just strip these directives from %temp_il_output%,  ilasm will recompute the maxstack when it reassembles.


I think it would also be cool if there was an IL codedom that allowed you to easily load, manipulate, and save assemblies at the il level, without having to resort to parsing ildasm text output.


Now what?

This was mostly an experiment.  I didn’t find a good use for inlining IL in C#. Inlined IL also is very fragile and seems to be more pain then it’s worth.  Just look at the C# filter example.

I have the demo files from above at: [Update:] This also includes the source for the tool.


Another takeaway is that I think there are interesting opportunities for extremely cheap tools that take advantage of IL roundtripping. For example, Serge Lidin (the author of ilasm)  wrote a short (under 1000 lines) utility, ILlink, which merges managed assemblies by basically running ildasm on the assemblies, concatenating the outputs, and then ilasm that. Like my IL inliner, he had to do some basic touchups (such as removing multiple assembly declarations).

I could imagine another such tool that does code-coverage: ILdasm an assembly, blindly inject code coverage probes before each  ‘.line’ statement, and then ilasm it back up. Note that the officially correct way to do code-coverage is with the CLR profiling APIs, which is the most scalable and would let you reinstrument the code on the fly (thus avoiding a separate code-coverage build), but ildasm roundtripping would certainly be simpler to implement.


  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2005
    你覺得目前C#/VB.Net的能力有限,想發揮.Net平台上100%的威力,或是你單純是個練功狂,就是想探索.Net底層機制,那麼 Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)將是你最好的選擇。<br><br /><a href="">繼續閱讀...</a>

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2005
    インライン IL for C# / VB ?

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2005
    Hi Mike,

    This is great! I've been wondering about how to write methods that contain pure IL. The problem would be if the method returns as value, the C# code wouldn't compile. One possibility would be to put in a throw as a placeholder for the IL. It would throw a know exception such as 'IL' below.

    using InlineIL;
    using System;

    public class HelloWorld
    public static void Main()

    public static string Message
    throw new IL();
    #if IL
    ldstr "Hello, World!"

    I've been thinking about using .NET Reflector to round trip to something a like this. The decompiled C# would appear as comments next to the inline IL. This would make debugging IL a lot more pleasant!

    Thanks, Jamie.

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2005
    > I think it would also be cool if there was an
    > IL codedom that allowed you to easily load,
    > manipulate, and save assemblies at the il level

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    This is so cool. This is a useful little utility if you often write programs in C# and want to deal with lower-level constructs.

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    Jamie -
    I'd suggest you write Message.Get() as:
    string x = null;
    #if IL
    ldstr "Hello, World!"
    return x
    That would cooperate with the C# anayslis much better. Also, the throw() statement in your example will still compile, thus making the IL snippet dead code.

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    Can anybody translate the first two comments (the ones that aren't in english)?

    Rich - thanks for the links. The first one (pefile.jsp) appears to be just a writer, which means you couldn't read in an IL document and manipulate it.

    Michael - Glad you like it! Do you have any examples in mind where it's useful to "deal with lower-level constructs"?

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    Very interesting indeed !

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    This is really cool! I can't wait to see the updates. It seems that the stuff you are blogging about only appears here which is a shame -- is there any wider publication planned (MSDN, CodeProject, etc)?

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    > I think it would also be cool if there was an
    > IL codedom that allowed you to easily load,
    > manipulate, and save assemblies at the il level

    F#/AbsIl provide this sort of facility as well:

    The F# compiler also lets you inline IL.

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005

    The first comment is a trackback to a blog describing an "ILIDE" project. Semi-spammish.

    The second link is a trackback to a blog that summarizes your inline technique in Japanese.


  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2005
    ** Update ** I added the source to the archive (program.cs).

    Danny - thanks for the translation.
    Robert - thanks for the link. Abstract IL sounds exactly like what would be good here.
    Russ (smidgeonsoft) - There's not really any wider publications planned. I'll think about that more.

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2005
    Eden Li, who interned on the CLR team this summer wrote an IL CodeDOM provider as part of his intern project. You can download it on the MSDN BCL site (, its called the MSIL Code Provider.


  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2005
    Wow - I'm blown away by how easy it is to extend the .NET framework. It allowed me to do an implementation...

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2005
    Okay, what about an integrated post-compiler for VSIDE?
    Something that allows you to add methods, and others to your class?

  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2005
    Yaron - you're welcome to experiment with this. VS's IDE does expose a post-build step that you could hook additional steps (such as a modified version of this tool) into.

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2005

  • Anonymous
    July 03, 2005
    With all my playing with and learning about IL lately, I've been thinking it'd be pretty cool if I could...

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2005
    For you IL geeks out there, check out this MSDN article.
    Thanks to my buddy Jay for digging up the link...

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2005
    For you IL geeks out there, check out this MSDN blog.
    Thanks to my buddy Jay for digging up the link...

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2005
    I previously posted a tool to allow inline IL in C# / VB.Net. &amp;nbsp;
    At the IL level, the CLR needs...

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2005
    A tool for inlining IL in C#/VB.&amp;nbsp; (Essentially.)

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2005
    Gerade bin ich &#252;ber diesen Blogeintrag&amp;nbsp;gestolpert, der zeigt, wie man in VB.NET und C# Inline IL...

  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2005
    Gerade bin ich &#252;ber diesen Blogeintrag&amp;nbsp;gestolpert, der zeigt, wie man in VB.NET und C# Inline IL...

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2006
    Some MSIL low level tools that could be useful, especially Deblector.
    &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br

  • Anonymous
    January 26, 2007
    Il round-tripping , nell'accezione .NET del termine, è una tecnica in base alla quale viene modificato

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2007
    Last update: June 13 , 2007 Document version 0.6 Preface If you have something to add, or want to take

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2007
    Common INFO: · const is &quot;baked&quot; into the assembly. If you have to change the const value in

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2007
    This section describes the common .NET tips which don&#39;t relates to the specific category. INFO: