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Personal Development Books at Your Fingertips

I’ve done an extensive overhaul of my Personal Development Books List.  Aside from new books on the list, you’ll also notice a new Getting Started section, as well as an A-Z Best Personal Development Books list at the end. 

This is a powerful collection of personal development books.

You can use these personal development books to address the following:

How to adopt a positive mindset
How to be happier
How to be more productive
How to change or build a habit
How to create more work-life balance
How to create more wealth
How to develop your emotional intelligence
How to develop your self-discipline
How to find and live your values in work and life
How to find and develop your strengths
How to find your purpose and your passion
How to improve your courage
How to improve your focus
How to improve your self-awareness
How to learn faster
How to model success
How to think with skill
How to set goals and achieve them

This collection of personal development books includes books by Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Tim Ferris, Seth Godin, John Maxwell, Edward de Bono, Marcus Buckingham, Epictetus, Napoleon Hill, Steve Pavlina, Martin Seligman, Jack Canfield, David Allen, Malcolm Gladwell, and more.  It’s the ultimate collection of wisdom at your fingertips.

It's a large collection so I split it into the following categories for your browsing convenience:

Career Development
Character, Attitude
Choice, Decision Making
Communication Skills
Courage, Confidence
Emotional Intelligence
Habits, Principles, Practices
Happiness, Feeling Good
Interpersonal Skills, Relationships
Motivation, Self-Discipline
Positive Thinking, Optimisim
Purpose, Passion
Spiritual Intelligence
Thinking SKills, Intelligence
Work-Life Balance

And there is an A-Z list at the end so you can very quickly scan the entire collection and cross-check against any other personal development books list. 

While you may already know many of the books on the list, I suggest trying to find three books you haven’t heard of before.  For example, if you haven’t heard of Edward de Bono’s How to Have a Beautiful Mind, it’s a brilliant book.  If you haven’t read John Medina’s Brain Rules, you’re in for a treat.  He’ll teach you 12 rules that you can use for work, school, or life to maximize your results.  If you’ve never read Tony Robbins’ Unlimited Power, it’s probably THE single best book on personal empowerment and mastery of your mind, body, and emotions.  In The 8th Habit, Stephen Covey helps you go from effectiveness to greatness.

Check out the list of Personal Development Books, and if there are important books that I need to add to the list, be sure to let me know.

Happy Holidays,