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導讀 - The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) - MS07-069 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer - Post Install Issue

2007 年 11 月份第二名的部落格就是這個啦: The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)

這個部落格是微軟資訊安全回應中心 (MSRC) 的部落格.

而在 2007/12/18 有一篇 MS07-069 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer - Post Install Issue 是針對安裝了 Internet Explorer 積存安全性更新 (942615) 提出一些釋疑.

不過, 看到這裡, 我就趕快看看我的 Windows Vista 是不是也已經安裝了這個 Hotfix.看來的確也被安裝了.

雖然說沒圖沒真像, 不過由於 TechNet blog 貼圖需要在網路上有圖才能對應, 所以, 先請各位看官相信我的確是安裝了.



"First, I want to note the security update does protect against the vulnerabilities noted in the bulletin. If you are not experiencing issues noted in the below referenced Knowledge Base article, no action is needed."

而就這篇部落格的說明, 有少部分的人在 Windows XP SP2 + IE 6 的狀況下可能在造訪網頁的時候會有 IE 6 沒有回應的情況.

目前 MSRC 也正在進行處理這個已知情況, 相信會有好消息的.

(原文如下: We have been working with a small number of customers that reported issues related to the installation of MS07-069. Specifically, on a Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)-based computer, Internet Explorer 6 may stop responding when you try to a visit a web site.

We’ve made an update to the Knowledge Base article for MS07-069, KB942615, which highlights the known issue.

We have also added the following known issue Knowledge Base article KB946627. Because this occurs in a customized installation, this isn’t a widespread issue.


若是您有這樣的問題, 也請與我們的 Customer Support Services 聯絡.

雖然我自己是沒有碰過這個狀況, 不過相信也苦了少部分遇到這個狀況的人, 希望 MSRC 能趕快解決這個問題囉.

MSRC 辛苦了. (我想你們大概也看不懂中文, 哈哈...)
