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Does brownie mix have more or less calories when it's cooked?

Its slow around here this time of year and the subject of this post became the topic of a lunch conversation on our team.  It's been suggested that Internet search engines can provide an answer to almost any inane question one could come up with. 

We proposed that perhaps bars should install "Debate Reconciliation Machines" that offer nothing but a blank msn or google search page to solve all sorts of bar disputes.  The problem with this plan occurs when your dispute reaches what some people would call "The end of the Internet" and even the all-knowing wikipedia lets you down.  The machines would have to offer a refund.

Gretchen and I reached the end of the Internet in our hunt for the answer to the following question:

Does brownie mix have more or less calories when it's cooked?

Lets add on to the end of the Internet. I welcome all theories and answers to this question below.


  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005 - Third Question. It's talking about cookie dough, but she generalizes it to seemingly include all food.

    Now, how do you make a search engine find it? I used MSN and searched for "Marilyn Vos Savant Cookie Dough" ( ), but that required previous knowledge that a related fact was out there.

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
    This would be a good question for all the test kitchens/analysis labs at Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines, Pilsbury, etc. If you can get a response from each of them, you can blog it and expand the edge of the internet.

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    December 21, 2005
    J Whattam: I would assume that we are attempting to figure out the comparison for the cooked result of an uncooked amount of the dough.... you should see some of the answers we've gotten in e-mail form.

    J Daniel: Ah, I should have said dough rather than mix. The assumption is you have the exact pre-oven mixture configured VS the post cooked result.

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2005
    Oxidation, carmelization, yes this reduces the caloric content.

    How about evaporation not of water but of alcohol. Many flavoring oils (vanilla) are suspended or dissolved in alcohol. This alcohol would quickly vaporize during the cooking process.


  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2005
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  • Anonymous
    December 28, 2005
    JP: Of course there are others that pointed out the assumption that the calories we consume are different from the calories that would be burned off by a calorimeter. So there may actually be two questions here. One for the calories that our bodies keep and the other for the raw energy stored in the molecules.

  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2005
    That would be an excellent idea.

    When I go out with friends, I like to take my notebook for this exact reason. It's a great convergence of socializing and web browsing. It can be a lot of fun. There are probably some great possibilities in this space...

    We usually go out in the University District in Seattle, which has free wifi. Once wireless net access is a given, doing stuff like this will be much easier.

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2006
    After running the dietary information down, it makes very little difference whether you cook the batter all the way or not... see:

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2006
    Yes, the rumors are true. "Dog Lady" is wed to Scooblog. :-) This was a slight scary bit of investigative...

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    September 07, 2007
    university of texas athletics department salaries

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2007
    free myspace video codes carrie underwood

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2007
    I propose we add this one to our interview question arsenal. Let’s see how you all approach it .... Does