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Upgrading TFS 2005/2008 Project Sites to TFS 2010, Part 3 - Quick Launch Navigation

Update (2010-05-20)

I made some changes to correct a few issues and also to include the final version of the XML input file that I used to update my TFS project sites.

In my previous post, I showed how you can use PowerShell to export the quick launch navigation from a SharePoint site to XML and subsequently add, update, and reorder navigation nodes by modifying the XML accordingly. In this post, I'll demonstrate a practical application of that process.

Project sites created using the MSF Agile v4.2 process template in Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2008 have the following quick launch navigation:

  • Documents
    • Development
    • Project Management
    • Requirements
    • Security
    • Test
  • Process Guidance
  • Reports
    • Bug Rates
    • Builds
    • Quality Indicators
    • Project Velocity
    • Issues List
    • Exit Criteria Status

Assuming you are using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 or SharePoint Server 2010 (in order to leverage Excel Services for the dashboard functionality), project sites created using the MSF Agile v5 process template in TFS 2010 have the following quick launch navigation:

  • Team Web Access
  • Dashboards
    • Burndown
    • Quality
    • Bugs
    • Test
    • Build
    • My Dashboard
  • Excel Reports
  • Reports
  • Libraries
    • Team Wiki
    • Shared Documents
    • Samples and Templates
  • Lists
    • Calendar
  • Process Guidance

Therefore if you want to update the quick launch navigation on project sites upgraded from TFS 2008 (or TFS 2005) -- and you don't want to make the configuration changes manually -- then start by exporting the quick launch navigation from a new project site created in TFS 2010 (for example, https://cyclops/sites/DefaultCollection/Test):

 # Exports the quick launch navigation for a SharePoint site as XML

function ExportQuickLaunchNavigation(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb] $web)
    $xml = [xml] "<QuickLaunch/>"

    foreach ($navigationNode in $web.Navigation.QuickLaunch)
        AddNavigationElement $navigationNode $xml.DocumentElement $web

    return $xml

function AddNavigationElement(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNode] $navigationNode,
    [System.Xml.XmlElement] $parentElement,
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb] $web)
    $url = $navigationNode.Url.Replace(
    $navElement = $parentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("NavigationNode")

    $parentElement.AppendChild($navElement) > $null

    $navElement.SetAttribute("title", $navigationNode.Title)
    $navElement.SetAttribute("url", $url)

    foreach ($childNode in $navigationNode.Children)
        AddNavigationElement $childNode $navElement $web

$web = Get-SPWeb "https://cyclops/sites/DefaultCollection/Test"

$navigationXml = ExportQuickLaunchNavigation($web)

$navigationXml.OuterXml > QuickLaunch-TFS2010.xml

This will output XML similar to the following:

    title="Team Web Access"
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/_layouts/tfsredirect.aspx?tf%3aType=WebAccess" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Burndown.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Quality.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Bugs.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Test.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Build.aspx" />
      title="My Dashboard"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/MyDashboard.aspx" />
    title="Excel Reports"
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/_layouts/tfsredirect.aspx?tf%3aType=ReportList" />
      title="Team Wiki"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Team Wiki" />
      title="Shared Documents"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      title="Samples and Templates"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Samples and Templates/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Lists/Calendar/calendar.aspx" />
    title="Process Guidance"
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/_layouts/tfsredirect.aspx?tf%3aType=ProcessGuidance&amp;tf%3aDocumentPath=Supporting+Files%2fProcessGuidance.htm" />

Notice that the PowerShell script from my previous post has been updated to automatically tokenize the URL for each navigation node (i.e. replacing the server relative URL with "($web.ServerRelativeUrl)"). This token is subsequently replaced with the new server relative URL when importing the quick launch navigation.

Before we can import the navigation nodes, we need to tweak the XML slightly to account for the fact that in TFS 2008 project sites, the Event list is typically used for team calendar items (not a list named Calendar). This assumes, of course, that you didn't customize the team site.

However, for consistency with new TFS 2010 project sites (in terms of navigation), we'll keep the title of the quick launch navigation node as "Calendar" and simply refer to the Calendar view of the Event list:

      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Lists/Events/calendar.aspx" />

We also need to add nodes for the existing document libraries (e.g. Development) under the new Libraries heading:

      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Development/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      title="Project Management"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Project%20Management/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Requirements" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Security" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Test/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />

These new navigation nodes compensate for the fact the Documents heading is removed when updating the Quick Launch navigation. [This is removed because the link (e.g. /sites/AdventureWorks/_layouts/1033/viewlsts.aspx?BaseType=1 ) is no longer valid -- due to the removal of the LCID (e.g. 1033) from the URL.]

Also note that project sites created with TFS 2010 do not include the process guidance directly on the site (unlike project sites created in TFS 2005/2008). Rather, the Process Guidance link now refers to an HTML page that simply redirects to a page on the Microsoft site (e.g. Consequently, if you were to simply import the XML above at this point, you would end up with two Process Guidance links in the quick launch navigation (the first referring to the new HTML redirect page, and the second referring to the deprecated process guidance that resides within the project site).

Fortunately, this is easy to remedy with a little more PowerShell script. Suppose we want to remove the Process Guidance navigation link from a TFS project site originally created in TFS 2008 (e.g. https://cyclops/sites/AdventureWorks):

 # Deletes a quick launch navigation link from a SharePoint site

function DeleteNavigationNode(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNodeCollection] $nodes,
    [string] $titleOrUrl)
    $node = $nodes | Where-Object {
        ($_.Title -eq $titleOrUrl) -or ($_.Url -eq $titleOrUrl)}

    If ($node -ne $null)
        If ($node -is [System.Object[]])
            foreach ($tmpNode in $nodes)
                Write-Debug ("Deleting navigation node" `
                    + " ($($tmpNode.Title) - $($tmpNode.Url))...")
            Write-Debug ("Deleting navigation node" `
                + " ($($node.Title) - $($node.Url))...")
        # No node found with specified title or URL (recurse on child nodes)
        foreach ($node in $nodes)
            If ($node.Children.Count -gt 0)
                DeleteNavigationNode $node.Children $titleOrUrl

$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$web = Get-SPWeb "https://cyclops/sites/AdventureWorks"

$DebugPreference = "Continue"
DeleteNavigationNode $web.Navigation.QuickLaunch "Process Guidance"


After a navigation node has been deleted, you need to refresh the SPWeb object to avoid errors like the following:

An error occurred while enumerating through a collection: Cannot complete this action.

To refresh the SPWeb object (and consequently the associated SPNavigationNodeCollection), simply call the Get-SPWeb cmdlet again:

$web = Get-SPWeb "https://cyclops/sites/AdventureWorks"

Now we can import the quick launch navigation from the XML into the project site:

 # Imports the quick launch navigation for a SharePoint site from the specified
# XML (adding, renaming, and moving navigation nodes as necessary)

function EnsureNavigationNode(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNodeCollection] $nodes,
    [string] $title,
    [string] $url)
    Write-Debug "Ensuring navigation node ($title - $url)..."
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNode] $node =
        $nodes | Where-Object {$_.Url -eq $url}

    If ($node -eq $null)
        Write-Debug "Creating new navigation node ($title - $url)..."

        $node = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNode(

        $null = $nodes.AddAsLast($node)

    If ($node.Title -ne $title)
        Write-Debug ("Updating title of navigation node ($($node.Title)) to" `
            + "($title)...")

        $node.Title = $title

    return $node

function ImportNavigationNodes(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNodeCollection] $nodes,
    [System.Xml.XmlNodeList] $navElements,
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb] $web)
    [int] $position = 0

    foreach ($navElement in $navElements)
        $title = $navElement.GetAttribute("title")
        $url = $navElement.GetAttribute("url")

        $url = $url.Replace(
        [Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNode] $navigationNode =
            EnsureNavigationNode $nodes $title $url

        If ($position -eq 0)
            $navigationNode.Move($nodes, $nodes[$position - 1])

        $position = $position + 1

        $childNodes = $navElement.SelectNodes("NavigationNode")
        If ($childNodes.Count -gt 0)
            ImportNavigationNodes $navigationNode.Children $childNodes $web

function ImportQuickLaunchNavigation(
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb] $web,
    [xml] $navigationXml)
    Write-Debug "Importing quick launch navigation for site ($($web.Url))..."
    $nodes = $web.Navigation.QuickLaunch

    $navElements = $navigationXml.SelectNodes(

    If ($navElements.Count -gt 0)
        ImportNavigationNodes $nodes $navElements $web
        Write-Host "No navigation nodes found to import."

[xml] $navigationXml = Get-Content .\QuickLaunch-TFS2010.xml

$DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$web = Get-SPWeb "https://cyclops/sites/AdventureWorks"

$DebugPreference = "Continue"
ImportQuickLaunchNavigation $web $navigationXml

After running this script, the upgraded project site should contain the following quick launch navigation:

  • Team Web Access
  • Dashboards
    • Burndown
    • Quality
    • Bugs
    • Test
    • Build
    • My Dashboard
  • Excel Reports
  • Reports
  • Libraries
    • Team Wiki
    • Shared Documents
    • Samples and Templates
    • Development
    • Project Management
    • Requirements
    • Security
    • Test
  • Lists
    • Calendar
  • Process Guidance

Note that the Libraries heading (which was previously labeled Documents) includes links to the original document libraries (e.g. Development, Project Management, etc.) as well as links to new libraries used with the MSF Agile v5 template (e.g. Shared Documents and Sample and Templates) that don't currently exist in the upgraded site. With a little more work, you could create the new libraries as needed. However, creating a new Shared Documents library could potentially confuse team members when deciding where to upload new documents.

Consequently, I chose to simply remove the links for Shared Documents and Samples and Templates from the quick launch navigation.

If you want to upgrade the quick launch navigation for numerous project sites all at once, you can simply create a list and "pipe" it into the ForEach-Object cmdlet, as shown below:

 $sitesToUpgrade =

$sitesToUpgrade |
    ForEach-Object {
        $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        $web = Get-SPWeb $_

        $DebugPreference = "Continue"
        DeleteNavigationNode $web.Navigation.QuickLaunch "Process Guidance"
        $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        $web = Get-SPWeb $_
        $DebugPreference = "Continue"
        ImportQuickLaunchNavigation $web $navigationXml

The PowerShell script starts to get a little ugly due to the hack to avoid the "Cannot complete this action" error that I mentioned earlier, but it does work. The upgraded TFS 2005/2008 project sites will look a lot more like new project sites created with TFS 2010.

Here is the final version of the QuickLaunch-TFS2010.xml file that I used for upgrading my TFS project sites:

    title="Team Web Access"
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/_layouts/tfsredirect.aspx?tf%3aType=WebAccess" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Burndown.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Quality.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Bugs.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Test.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/Build.aspx" />
      title="My Dashboard"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Dashboards/MyDashboard.aspx" />
    title="Excel Reports"
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Reports/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
    url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/_layouts/tfsredirect.aspx?tf%3aType=ReportList" />
      title="Team Wiki"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Team Wiki" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Development/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      title="Project Management"
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Project%20Management/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Requirements" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Security" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Test/Forms/AllItems.aspx" />
      url="($web.ServerRelativeUrl)/Lists/Events/calendar.aspx" />
    title="Process Guidance"
    url=";clcid=0x409" />