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使用 Exchange Web Service (EWS) 更新會議的做法

請參考下列的程式碼粗體字的時間指定. 若沒有指定, 時間會變成 UTC . 

Central Standard Time 可以指定為 Taipei Standard Time 即為台北的時區.


static void UpdateAppointmentTimeZone(ExchangeService service, ItemId apptId, bool shiftAppointment)


    PropertySet includeTimeZones = new PropertySet(AppointmentSchema.Subject,







    Appointment apptToUpdate;


    // Load the existing appointment.

    // This will result in a call to EWS.



        apptToUpdate = Appointment.Bind(service, apptId, includeTimeZones);


    catch (Exception ex)


        Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving existing appointment: {0}", ex.Message);




    Console.WriteLine("Before update:");

    // Output the current start, reminder, end, and time zones.

    Console.WriteLine("  Start: {0}", apptToUpdate.Start);

    Console.WriteLine("  Start time zone: {0}", apptToUpdate.StartTimeZone.DisplayName);

    Console.WriteLine("  Reminder: {0}", apptToUpdate.ReminderDueBy);

    Console.WriteLine("  End: {0}", apptToUpdate.End);

    Console.WriteLine("  End time zone: {0}", apptToUpdate.EndTimeZone.DisplayName);


    // Retrieve the Central time zone.

    TimeZoneInfo centralTZ = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time");


    // Update the time zones on the appointment.

    apptToUpdate.StartTimeZone = centralTZ;

    apptToUpdate.EndTimeZone = centralTZ;


    if (!shiftAppointment)


        // Set the start and end times explicitly so that the appointment

        // will start and end at the same UTC time.


        // Convert the times to then Central time zone. This

        // will keep them at the same time in UTC.

        // For example, 1:00 PM Eastern becomes 12:00 PM Central.

        DateTime newStartTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(

            apptToUpdate.Start, centralTZ);

        DateTime newEndTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(

            apptToUpdate.End, centralTZ);

        apptToUpdate.Start = newStartTime;

        apptToUpdate.End = newEndTime;





        // Save the changes. This will result in a call to EWS.




    catch (Exception ex)


        Console.WriteLine("Error updating appointment: {0}", ex.Message);




    // Now rebind to the appointment to get the new values.

    Appointment apptAfterUpdate;




        // This will result in a call to EWS.

        apptAfterUpdate = Appointment.Bind(service, apptId, includeTimeZones);


    catch (Exception ex)


        Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving existing appointment: {0}", ex.Message);




    Console.WriteLine("After update:");

    // Output the current start, reminder, end, and time zones.

    Console.WriteLine("  Start: {0}", apptAfterUpdate.Start);

    Console.WriteLine("  Start time zone: {0}", apptAfterUpdate.StartTimeZone.DisplayName);

    Console.WriteLine("  Reminder: {0}", apptAfterUpdate.ReminderDueBy);

    Console.WriteLine("  End: {0}", apptAfterUpdate.End);

    Console.WriteLine("  End time zone: {0}", apptAfterUpdate.EndTimeZone.DisplayName);



For more information:

HTH. Jacky