Frustrated with Backup and Management? Don’t bang your head into the wall.
David Mills, another Product Manager in System Center, recently recorded this video.
I will confess that David is my wingman for almost everything that I am doing in System Center this year, so I especially like the actual head-banging. I may actually just take those few seconds and make it an infinite loop that could play on my Windows Mobile phone. There are certainly days that I have similar instincts.
David has a great grasp of what pains the IT guy in midsized organizations. So, if you haven’t yet, check out some of David’s less graphical tidbits of wisdom:
David on Twitter –
David on BIEB -
In fact, the only thing that I have a question about (and am pretty sure that David got wrong) is that I didn’t think that IT Budgets in midsized businesses had funding for helmets.
Thanks for reading … and Happy Monday.