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You know you have been doing too much PowerShell when you translate Macbeth ...

When you wake up with Powershell in your head for things which are not scripting tasks, as I did this morning, you being to thing I need a holiday, or perhaps "Get-Vacation -days 7"

It stated with the thought that Waiting for Godot could be one line of PowerShell

$characters=get-tramps -count 2 ; while ($characters -notContains "Godot") { Start-sleep 1000}

Which is all very well. But it's gone too far when you find you can do MacBeth in one screen of PowerShell

    $Sisters        =  Get-Witch  $Duncan         =  Get-King  $Macbeth        =  Get-Noble | where{$_.titles -contains "Thane of Glamis"}  $Banquo         =  $Macbeth.Friends[0]  $Battle1        =  New-Rebellion -leader (get-noble | where{$ -eq "MacDonwald"})  $Battle1.add       $Macbeth, $Banquo  $Battle1.Leader |  kill   $Macbeth.Kills ++   $Battle1        |  stop-process -passthru | out-King  $Battle2        =  new-rebellion -leader (get-noble | where{$_.titles -contains "Thane of Cawdor"} )  $Battle2.add       $Macbeth, $Banquo  $Battle2        |  stop-process -passthru | out-King  Get-Noble |  where {$_.titles -contains "Thane of Cawdor"} | Kill  Set-location heath:  $sisters  |  forEach {$MacBeth.FutureStates += $_.prophecy() }  $sisters  |  forEach {$Banquo.FutureStates  += $_.prophecy() }  $Macbeth.Titles += "Thane of Cawdor"  $Macbeth.State  =  "Amazed"  Set-location  Hill:Dunsinane\Castle   $MacBeth.FutureStates | out-Hostess  $Macbeth.Wife.CreatePlot $Duncan $MacBeth [Weapon]"Dagger" Hill:Dunsinane\Castle\BedChamber   $MacDuff   =  Get-nobles where {$_.titles -contains "Thane of Fife"}  $Malcolm   =  $Duncan.Sons[0]  $Malcolm.Titles += "Price of Cumberland"  $Duncan.State = "Sleeping"  $Duncan    |  kill  Move $MacDuff Hill:Dunsinane\Castle\BedChamber   $Duncan.state | out-hostess  $MacBeth.wife.state = "Fainted"  $Duncan.sons | foreach {$_.visible  = $false }  $MacDuff.Visible = $false  New-King $MacBeth  $Assassins = Get-Murderer   $Assassins.targets += $Banquo  $Assassins.targets += $Banquo.sons  $Banquo  | kill -passthru  $Banquo.sons[0].visible = $false  $Banquo.visible = $True  $MacBeth.State  = "Terrified"   $Banquo.visible = $False  $Sisters   | forEach {$MacBeth.FutureStates += $_.prophecy() }  $MacDuff.Wife         | kill  $MacDuff.sons         | foreach {kill $_}  $MacDuff.daughters    | foreach {kill $_}  $MacBeth.wife.State   = "Mad"  $MacBeth.wife.terminate  Move-item Wood:Birnam -Destination Hill:Dunsinane   $MacDuff.Visible = $True  $Battle3 = New-Rebellion -leader $MacDuff,$Malcolm  $MacDuff.NaturalChildBirth = $False  $MacBeth | Kill  New-king $Malcolm

Richard, Jonathan, Jeffrey, Dmitry   what else can you come up with ?  Actually I'll offer a "Heroes Happen Here" book* to anyone who doesn't have one who can post a decent stab at this - doesn't have to be Shakespeare (War and Peace might be a bit much)

What next Oscar Wilde in Perl ? Star-Wars in VBscript ?

(*While Stocks last. One Per house hold. Void where prohibitted. May contain nuts).

Technorati Tags: PowerShell


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Je vidět, že červenec jde napříč firmou se všemi důsledky. Například těmi, že lidé vymýšlejí věci, na

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Just read this

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2008
    Finally a chance to use my MFA and do PowerShell. I may have to do a more complete Godot. But how about Beckett's Breath? One of my favorites. $stage=Get-Stage Stage.litter=100 stage.light=25 Get-Sound -name "infantCry" -duration 2 stage.light=50 get-sound -name "breathing" -duration 20 for ($i=1;$i -lt 10;$i++) {  stage.light++ } for ($i=1;$i -lt 10;$i++) {  stage.light-- } Get-Sound -name "InfantCry" -duration 3 stage.light.fade(3)

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2008
    I'm not one to shy away from a challenge, but all I can manage at the moment is... $catch = 22 switch ($catch) {  22 {"You lose"}  default {"You lose"} } By the way James, I heard a pub-quiz-style factoid the other week that I thought you'd like: The Royal Flying Corps officer who buried the 'Red Baron', Gladstone Adams, was also the man who patented the windscreen wiper. You never know when that information might come in handy! ;-)

  • Anonymous
    July 15, 2008
    Here you go :)