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PowerShell in Sweden... Get-Audience -location Stockholm

Richard, who runs the UK PowerShell user group is on our "Most Valuable Professional" programme as one of those all round good guys who other new user groups talk to for advice. He's had a hand in launching other PowerShell groups and this morning he sent me this

September 16th brings a PowerShell event to Sweden. In the morning I will be speaking on PowerShell in two sessions :

  • PowerShell Overview
  • Learning Powershell
  • Using WMI
  • Break
  • Administering Active Directory
  • Administering IIS 7

Registration for the event is here

In the afternoon there will be the first meeting of the Swedish\Nordic PowerShell User Group

All welcome. If you are in the area please join us

The location on that web page seems to be Stockholm.  Richard is a speaker I can recommend although perhaps I would draw the line at flying to Sweden. If you're within a sensible distance of Stockholm ... go.