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Luglio 2010: NewsLetter Operations Manager


La presente comunicazione intende fornire le seguenti informazioni in merito alle novità di System Center Operations Manager 2007:

clip_image003   Ultime novità relative al prodotto

Operator Basics SuperFlow for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007Operator Basics SuperFlow fornisce informazioni di aiuto agli operatori che hanno poca conoscenza di Operations Manager

Ogni SuperFlow include informazioni circa specifici dataflow, workflow, o processi.

System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Unleashed is now available for preorderSystem Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Unleashed è pronto per essere pre-ordinato su Amazon al link



clip_image004   Ultimi Articoli di Knowledge Base relativi al prodotto


Nessuna articolo di Knowledge Base disponibile


Nessuna articolo di Knowledge Base disponibile


KB982910 - Microsoft Advisory Services Engagement Scenario - Monitoring agents in an untrusted domain or workgroup using Operations Manager 2007


clip_image012Hotfix raccomandate per System Center Operations Manager 2007

Di seguito sono riportate le hotfix più importanti che Microsoft, in base agli scenari osservati presso la clientela italiana suggerisce di installare.

È disponibile anche un altro elenco di hotfix al seguente link Which hotfixes should I apply?

N.B. Alcune hotfix possono essere ripetute con date di pubblicazione diverse. Questo accade poiché alcune hotfix vengono ripubblicate a seguito di migliorie.

N.B. Per effettuare la loro installazione si raccomanda di leggere attentamente le Release Notes, poiché alcune hotfix necessitano di operazioni aggiuntive quali ad esempio l’esecuzione di Stored Procedure.




File aggiornati

Hotfix sostituite

Problematica risolta

Si applica a:

PFE Recommendation

NO Hotfix Released



File aggiornati

Hotfix sostituite

Problematica risolta

Si applica a:

PFE Recommendation

NO Hotfix Released



File aggiornati

Hotfix sostituite

Problematica risolta

Si applica a:

PFE Recommendation

NO Hotfix Released




Applies to:



The "Win32_Service" WMI class leaks memory in Windows Server 2008 R2 and in Windows 7

RMS MS GW Agent (only if running on Windows 2008 R2 or Win7)

I recommend this hotfix to be applied to any Server 2008R2 or Win7 machine, if it is agent managed or holds a SCOM server role.


Management servers or assigned agents unexpectedly appear as unavailable in the Operations Manager console in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 (ESE jet database corruption)


I recommend this hotfix for all RMS, MS, and GW roles running Windows Server 2003 SP2, or Windows Server 2008 SP2. Apply to agent machines if you feel you are impacted by this issue.


WMI Stability in Server 2003


I recommend this hotfix for all agent managed computers running Windows Server 2003, SP1 or SP2, x86 or x64


Cscript 5.7 update for Server 2003


I recommend this hotfix for all agent managed computers running Windows Server 2003, SP1 or SP2, x86 or x64


High handle count on the RMS A managed application has a high number of thread handles and of event handles in the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0


I recommend this hotfix is you are experiencing high handle count on the RMS. This hotfix requires SP2 for the OS and .NET 2.0 SP2.


The CPU usage of an application or a service that uses MSXML 6.0 to handle XML requests reaches 100% in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 3, or other systems that have MSXML 6.0 installed (Spinlock)


I recommend this hotfix if you are impacted with this issue. You might find a MonitoringHost.exe process randomly stuck at 100% CPU. If so – this hotfix might be applicable.


The System Center Operations Manager 2007 console may crash in Windows Server 2008 or in Windows Vista when you open the Health Explorer window

Any Vista or Server 2008 computer with a SCOM console installed

I recommend this hotfix only if you run the console on Server 2008 or Vista. This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.


The Event Log service may stop responding because of a deadlock on a Windows Server 2008-based or Windows Vista-based computer


I recommend this hotfix only if you host an OpsMgr server or agent role on Vista or Server 2008. This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.


An application may crash when it uses legacy methods to query performance counter values in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008


I recommend this hotfix only if you host an OpsMgr server or agent role on Vista or Server 2008. This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.


FIX: Small memory leaks may occur when you use RSCA to query runtime statistics in IIS 7.0

Any OpsMgr Agent/Server role with IIS 7.0 installed

I recommend this hotfix in all cases where you are monitoring servers with IIS 7.0 installed, and use the IIS Management pack. This hotfix is already included in Server 2008 SP2.


Windows Server 2008 Failover Clustering WMI provider does not correctly handle invalid characters in the private property names causing WMI queries to fail

Any Server 2008 agent managed cluster node

I recommend this hotfix only if you are impacted with this issue, and use the current Cluster MP.


clip_image024Nuovi Management Pack



Operations Manager 2007 R2 Management Pack

The Operations Manager 2007 R2 management pack helps you manage your System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 infrastructure by monitoring the health of the Operations Manager components and services.


Windows Server DHCP Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007

This management pack monitors DHCP infrastructure health, availability, and performance.


Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services MP for Operations Manager 2007

The Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Management Pack (AD LDS MP) monitors Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Instances.


Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server MP for SC Ops Mgr 2007

The Management Pack for Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange Server monitors the availability, security, configuration and performance of an FPE deployment.


Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint MP for OpsMgr 2007

The Management Pack for Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint monitors the availability, security, configuration, and performance of an FPSP deployment.


Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007

The Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 Management Pack provides both proactive and reactive monitoring of your AD FS 2.0 deployment for both the federation server and the federation server proxy roles.


Windows Server AppFabric MP for Operations Manager 2007

This management pack discovers and monitors the AppFabric infrastructure as well as the WCF and WF services that it manages.


Remote Desktop Services MP for Operations Manager 2007

The Remote Desktop Services Management Pack helps you manage your computers that are running Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2008 R2 by monitoring the health of Remote Desktop Services role services.


File Services Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007

The File Services management pack retrieves events and other health information generated by the services that make up the File Services role.


BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack Documentation

Readme and documentation for the BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack.



clip_image026Aggiornamento della documentazione ufficiale

Tutte le guide ufficiali del prodotto sono scaricabiliQUI o QUI


clip_image027Suggerimenti da Blogs & Community

ReSearchThis! KB – Path returns null value in many OpsMgr and SCE alerts

New Hot Fix KB 981263: Management servers or assigned agents unexpectedly appear as unavailable in the Operations Manager console in Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008

OpsMgr: How do I determine what rules and monitors apply to a system?


MP ISA 2006 : Log Drive Free Space Monitor BUG

SNMP Setup and Simple Custom SNMP Discovery

How do I schedule automatic discovery and client installation for Operations Manager?

Downloadable Operations Manager 2007 Reporting Samples

OpsMgr - SQL Server MP, SQL 2008 & Free Space Counters

Solution: The ACS forwarder in Operations Manager 2007 may frequently log connection and disconnection events

Uninstall / Reinstall OpsMgr RMS – agent’s won’t appear?

Yet another "why I cannot target a group" post

Executing an OpsMgr 2007 script manually may result in an empty console output (part 2)

Rendering SQL Reporting Reports with PowerShell

SCTOTD – OpsMgr Console Command Line Shortcuts

Who put the RMS in Maintenance Mode? (update)

SCTOTD – Monitor your VMware ESX and vSphere Hardware for Free

OpsMgr 2007 agent installation fails with "One or more computers you are trying to manage are already in the process of being managed"

New QMX – Operations Manager Cisco Extension – now supporting NetFlow!

New QMX - Operations Manager Release Coming Soon!

SCOM: Advanced Group Population Formula Development (GroupCalc) for the XML Impaired

Authoring Custom Templates and Writing Custom UI in OpsMgr

How to return a date time value from the OLEDB provider

Your dependency rollups…

Reblog: 1E System Center Watcher Tool for OpsMgr Now Available

Free Hyper-V R2 Management Pack from BridgeWays

Handling Comma-Separated Property Values in OpsMgr WinRM Enumeration Data Sources

Deep Dive into the Dell Server Management Pack Suite: Part 1 – Discovery Logging

Dell MP Deep Dive: Part 2 – More Undocumented Discovery Logging

Dell Server MP 4.0 Deep Dive: Part 3 – Dell Server Storage Discovery

UPDATE: PKI Certificate Verification MP v1.0.0.280 Now Available

Re-targeting rules in the OpsMgr Authoring console (or how the Authoring console saved my ….)

WMI leaks memory on Server 2008 R2 monitored agents

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool

ACS: EventSchema.xml changes for Server 2008 Account Lockout Events

Using sudo (instead of root) for running privileged tasks

Troubleshooting Cross Platform Discovery and Agent Installation (part 1)

Troubleshooting Cross Platform Discovery and Agent Installation (part 2)

Troubleshooting Cross Platform Discovery and Agent Installation (part 3)

Troubleshooting Cross Platform Discovery and Agent Installation (part 4)

Run a script on unix* servers from scom (2 styles?)

not able to discover print server with print server MP

OpsMgr scheduled reports work but no graphics?

SCOM query database for Distributed Application Health State

The monitoring of SNMP devices may stop intermittently in System Center Operations Manager or in System Center Essentials

Management Packs, do you find them hard to build. How can we help?

Troubleshooting StateChangeEvent grow

Operations Manager 2007 may not discover your App-V 4.5 Servers if installed on a 64-bit platform

New Version of Logical Disk Extension MP Released!

OpsMgr Database Hygiene : SCC Health Check Reports Management Pack by Oskar Landman & Pete Zerger

Finishing the Oracle SCX Management Pack for OpsMgr Cross-Platform Agents

OpsMgr Database Hygiene Part 7: Reports in SCC Health Check Reports Management Pack

SCOM Severity and Resolution State Values

ReSearchThis! KB – Path returns null value in many OpsMgr and SCE alerts

Is your Operations Manager console slow when editing groups? If so here's a tip to get you back in the fast lane

SystemCenterCentral Management Pack Contest & the Scheduled Resolution Update Management Pack


OpsMgr Solution Accelerators

Service Level Dashboard Management Pack for OpsMgr 2007 – click here

IT departments need ever more sophisticated tools to monitor the performance and availability of line-of-business (LOB) applications that make the organization run. These tools need to go beyond traditional server-based monitoring where server health equals service health.

The Service Level Dashboard for System Center Operations Manager is a new Solution Accelerator that addresses the need of IT service managers for end-to-end reporting on the performance and availability of their line-of-business (LOB) applications. The accelerator provides a unique view of a business application from the user’s perspective by simulating user interactions with the business application and reporting on the experience. Results are displayed on an easy to read dashboard, providing both top-level and detailed views. The top-level view reports the service level agreement (SLA) status (compliant or non-compliant) for every application being monitored. The detailed views reveal component-level information that can help administrators investigate the possible causes of noncompliance reported at the top level .

Review a video on the dashboard here

Service Level Dashboard for OpsMgr 2007 R2 – click here

The Service Level Dashboard Management Pack 2.0 for System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 assists you in tracking, managing, and reporting on your line-of-business (LOB) application service levels. It displays a list of applications and their performance and availability against service level goals. Using this graphical dashboard, you can:

· Spot trends in service availability and performance

· Head off problems before they occur

· Reduce IT costs by streamlining IT operations

For further information click here


Training Material

OpsMgr Service Level Dashboard Webcast Series

Live webcasts

Title:   Operations Manager 2007 R2 Deployment and Upgrade Best Practices (Level 300)

Presenter: Rob Kuehfus, Setup and Deployment Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation

Start Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Event Overview:

Join us for this informative session on deploying Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager 2007, where you will gain useful insights into what worked, as well as what didn't, when deploying Operations Manager 2007 into different environments. You will have the opportunity to learn best practices for setup (including recommended approaches for disaster recovery and high availability), running Operations Manager in a virtualized environment, and more.

On Demand Webcasts for MOM/OpsMgr

Training Videos


Product Lifecycle Updates

Products Released

General Availability Date

Mainstream Support Retired

Extended Support Retired

Service Pack Retired


MOM 2005






MOM 2005 SP1


Review Note

Review Note


Support ends 12 months after the next service pack releases or at the end of the product's support lifecycle, whichever comes first. For more information, please see the service pack policy at

System Center Operations Manager 2007






System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1


Review Note

Review Note


Support ends 12 months after the next service pack releases or at the end of the product's support lifecycle, whichever comes first. For more information, please see the service pack policy at

System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2





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