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Mar. 3 - Mar. 9 Hot-Fix KB articles Weekly Release - Windows 6/7

Hi Everyone,


Last two week, 17 Windows 6 and Windows 7 related hot-fix KB article were released, including 10 for Windows 6 and 7 for Windows 7 Beta. Below are the details:


Windows Vista or Server 2008 - 5 KB articles:

· 967575  The system becomes unresponsive when you hot-unplug a device from the PCI Express interface on a computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

· 967718  Queries to SNMP devices stop responding when Windows Server 2008-based systems or Windows Vista Service Pack 1-based systems receive multiple SNMP WMI queries at the same time

· 967800  An SNMP transport is disabled, and SNMP Event ID 1501 is logged when lots of SNMP queries occur on a computer that is running Windows Vista SP1 or Windows Server 2008

· 967744  If there are more than 100 files in the "List of fonts" box when you try to install PostScript fonts to the %SystemRoot%\fonts folder, certain font files disappear in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008

· 967191  The Windows Experience Index rating and the WinSAT command do not work correctly on a Windows Vista-based or Windows Server 2008-based computer that has more than 8 logical processors


Windows Server 2008 - 5 KB articles:

· 963702  A Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster that has a MPIO solution may encounter stop code 0x0000007E or 0x000000D5 during a failover

· 967124  Hyper-V performance counters in Windows Server 2008 are displayed incorrectly or report incorrect data when you remotely query the counters from a Windows Server 2003-based computer

· 967724  A Windows Server 2008-based computer that has the MPIO solution installed and that has many LUNs attached stops responding during the startup process after you install hotfix 963702

· 967363  A Windows Server 2008-based DHCP server does not register DNS records for earlier version DHCP clients that do not send option 81 to the DHCP server

· 967471  A legacy application may randomly encounter an access violation in a Windows Server 2008 terminal session when the application starts


Windows 7 Beta - 7 KB articles:

· 967355  Description of test update 1 for Windows 7 Beta

· 967492  Description of test update 2 for Windows 7 Beta

· 967540  Description of test update 3 for Windows 7 Beta

· 967354  Description of test update 4 for Windows 7 Beta

· 967849  Stop error message when you install the Cisco VPN Client application and then you restart a computer that is running Windows 7 Beta: "Stop 0x000000D1"

· 967891  Error message when you use applications that are based on legacy Transport Driver Interface (TDI) filter drivers on a computer that is running Windows 7 Beta or Windows Server 2008 R2: "STOP 0x000000D1

· 967186  A hotfix is available that addresses some issues with the DirectAccess feature in Windows 7 Beta



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