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When MSSCCI Plays its magic :) Adobe® RoboHelp® Integration


The Microsoft® Source Code Control Interface (MSSCCI) provider is used to provide an integrated version control user experience with products that do not support the Microsoft Visual Studio® Team Explorer. For example, if you use Visual Studio 6.0, you can use the MSSCCI client or command line to interact with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) Team Foundation Version Control.

The following clients can work directly with Team Foundation Version Control by using the MSSCCI provider:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
  • Microsoft Visual C++® 6 Service Pack 6 (SP6)
  • Microsoft Visual Basic® 6.0 SP6
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro® 9.0 SP1
  • Microsoft Access 2003 SP2
  • Microsoft SQL Server™ Management Studio
  • Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 6.1
  • Sybase PowerBuilder 105
  • Toad for SQL Server 2.0
  • Adobe® RoboHelp®

Version (3.3) includes:

  • Updated provider to link against VS 2010 RTM TFS assemblies
  • Improved functionality and performance when used inside PowerBuilder
  • Improved handling of branched solutions in SQL Server Management Studio
  • Decreased number of server prompts
  • Improved error reporting


Adobe® RoboHelp®

Shai Raiten published a new post on how to integrate TFS with Adobe® RoboHelp® 9 here  Integrating RoboHelp with TFS Source Control
