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Resolución del consejo de la Unión Europea sobre los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual en Europa

Informe muy interesante publicado por el Consejo de Competencia de la Unión Europea, no solo por su contenido en si, sino también por llegar en medio de un acerado debate a diferentes niveles (nacional, Europeo, Internacional) sobre la protección efectiva de los derechos de autor en los mercados internos de la UE.

Cabe destacar que se hace hincapié en los beneficios de la propiedad intelectual sin distinguir cuando ésta es plasmada de una forma u otra (contenido o creación cultural, software etc ..) Me parece adicionalmente interesante porque a veces olvidamos el impacto positivo del software (sea este el que sea) cuando hablamos de los beneficios de los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre el avance de una sociedad.

La resolución de la UE declara explícitamente que la piratería puede obstaculizar, no solo la comercialización legal del contenido, sino también lastrar el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de negocio competitivos.


Prefiero no traducir temas tan sensibles como éste y evitar cualquier mala interpretación por mi parte:

19. EMPHASISING that in the field of copyright and related rights, piracy in cultural and creative goods in a rapidly developing digital environment is damaging the legal marketing of the media, hampering the arrival of competitive business models of legal supply of cultural and creative content, calling into question the adequate remuneration of right holders and holding back the dynamism of the European cultural industry that provides access to legal, diverse and highquality cultural supply;

Algunos otros párrafos que me han parecido interesantes de esta declaración, los extraigo a continuación y quien necesite una traducción automática, puede echar un vistazo aquí:,

16. EMPHASISING the importance of protecting intellectual property rights, which are fundamental to promoting culture and diversity, and for drawing full benefit from the research, innovation and creative activity of European undertakings, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to support growth and jobs in the European Union and make Europe more competitive in the world;

17. STRESSING that the European Union has been called upon, in this respect, to continue its efforts to make the system for protecting intellectual property rights more efficient in order to more effectively combat infringements of intellectual property rights;

19. EMPHASISING that in the field of copyright and related rights, piracy in cultural and creative goods in a rapidly developing digital environment is damaging the legal marketing of the media, hampering the arrival of competitive business models of legal supply of cultural and creative content, calling into question the adequate remuneration of right holders and holding back the dynamism of the European cultural industry that provides access to legal, diverse and high quality cultural supply;

21. RECOGNISES the importance of developing new competitive business models enlarging the legal offer of cultural and creative content and at the same time preventing and combating piracy as necessary means for fostering economic growth, employment and cultural diversity; Therefore, efforts to encourage creation of and access to online content and services in the European Union should be increased and, to that effect, robust solutions, which are practical, balanced and attractive for both users and right holders alike, need to be found;

23. RECOGNISES the need for evidence-based and outcome-oriented policy making and in this context welcomes the recent creation and work of the European Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy;

26. CALLS UPON Member States to develop national anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy strategies and to establish transparent coordination structures in this field;

33. REQUESTS the Observatory to facilitate regular experts' meetings, involving representatives from public authorities, private sector bodies and consumer organisations, to promote successful and proportional solutions against counterfeiting and piracy. The Observatory will pay special attention to the compilation of best practices in public and private sectors and codes of conduct in private sectors. In its Annual Report, the Observatory should take into account the conclusions of the experts' meetings and relevant round tables;