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Creating my own synchronicity

OK, OK. I know I haven't been showing my face much around here. Super busy and totally into what I am working on. If I told you what it is, I'd have to kill you; which I am OK with but I don't know where you live :) <cue rim shot>

And maybe I am just a tiny bit distracted by the weather. I guess that if we are all going to die from global warming, we should enjoy our descent into obliteration. Is it OK to enjoy it if you truly have been working on your footprint? Probably not. Because I was all nuts and berries when I was younger and now I am a responsible, grown up homeowner who does care very much how her lawn looks. My internal dialog on this topic is messy. You would not want to be in my head. and that's not really what I am writing this post about.

I am involved in a training cohort and we have really long, fascinating discussions about things related to psychology and life. Last week we talked about synchronicity (which was cool because that article on "just in time" versus "just in case" was still bobbing about in my noggin and it kind of fit right in here). Because synchronicity rules in the JIT lifestyle and I want to live in that happy world with 85% less anxiety. Seriously, it says that on the label.

Have you ever noticed those moments when the thing that you really needed to happen happens with absolutely no prompting by you? For example, I am planning my friends birthday celebration from girls mani/pedi for 8 to a nice dinner out. And we are barbecuing tonight on top of it all so the littles can join the celebration for their mom and I absolutely need to make cupcakes. And while my friend is used to and really OK with the cake stuff that comes out of the box, that is not how auntie Heather rolls. And my schedule today was all nutty and let me just add that I have been not so good at planing my time lately. And like magic, the two appointments I had this morning were rescheduled at the request of the other party and magically, my cupcake time creates itself. I did nothing and when I needed that time, there it was. The theory is that when this kind of thing happens more times than coincidence would allow for, there's something else there. And we discussed whether it is possible to create an environment where synchronous events are more likely to occur. and if you can, what those environmental factors are. Because I am thinking that a petri dish full of that auger (sp?) stuff sitting in a warm room won't work. I can't get ahold of the synchronicity juju to put it in the dish. Slippery sucker.

As with many other things, I don't need to know how it works, just what the inputs are. I am a master compartmentalizer and have totally skipped the angst about evolution versus creation, both of which need explanation. And how our molecules came to be and how you get something from nothingness. Yeah, that stuff is just not important to me. All that is important is "Here, I am. Let's make the best of it!"

So I am trying to analyze what has been causing my synchronicity lately. And all I can come up with is that I am open to it, which really defies explanation. And I don't care, because right now, all that matters is workin' it and I am totally open to  the possibilities.

Yoohoo! Synchronicity! <waves> Here I am! You were looking for me, right?

Oh don't worry. There's a limitless supply, so you can get yours too.


  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2009
    I think I know exactly what you're talking about.  Each time I've changed jobs or positions, it seems like the new opportunity arose exactly at the time when I needed it to.  Twice a great new opportunity occurred just as my old company was going out of business, and three times a new and better position opened up within the same company, right when my old position was feeling stale and I was starting to consider leaving.  None of these were just minor improvements - each time, it was a major jump that doesn't open up often. I just hope that the universe doesn't have some kind of luck-balancing law, because if it does, then I'm due some pretty bad luck someday.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2009
    There's no such thing as luck. I truly believe you create your own good fortune through intention and inviting it into your life. And that makes you deserving of it.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2009
    Thank goodness!  I thought you were going to take all that synchronicity!  And I thought...gee....that's not really like Heather....  ;-) All this talk reminds me of a book I read some time ago "The Celestine Prophecy" and the idea of us becoming conscious of "coincidences in our life".  Interesting stuff. Heather...are you a runner or mostly just Yoga?  Over the holiday weekend I read an extrordinary book called "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall.  I'm not a runner, but found it an excellent read. Cheers.... Todd in Chicago

  • Anonymous
    July 04, 2009
    It's so nice to hear people speak about Synchronicity! It seems to be a thing most people forget about or aren't even aware of enough to notice it! I believe that when you are truly open to the environment about you, limited in your conscious thinking, and using your senses to its fullest, synchronous events emerge everywhere are really provide an excellent guide to where you need to go in life. I also read "The Celestine Prophecy" and had learned so much from the book (the movie wasn't do great) but being a story, I always kept it as a thing "they" can do but I can't. When I read "The Evolutionary Glitch" (not very well known but you should be able to Google it) and went through all the practical exercises , I managed to learn so much about synchronicity and how the world around me really speaks its own language! So as you said: "Let's make the best of it!"

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2009
    Todd - there's enough for everyone. About the exercise, I'm trying to do both. But just started back with the yoga again (Bikram). Trying to train for a 10K and am starting to make some progress, but it's on the treadmill. We'll see how asthma girl does when she takes it outside. Michelle - now that you and Todd both mentioned that book, maybe I should pick it up!