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Add/Remove SharePoint Workflows thru PowerShell

You can add/remove workflows to the list or library by navigating to

List Settings -> Workflow Settings -> Add a workflow

List Settings -> Workflow Settings -> Remove a workflow

If you want to perform the same operation using PowerShell script, here is the script to add a workflow to a list

Script to Add Workflow


  [string] $env = $(Read-Host -prompt "Specify the environment you want to run on (D-Dev, T-Test, P-Production) :") 



$env = $env.ToLower()


if($env -ne 'd' -and $env -ne 't' -and $env -ne 'p' -and $env -ne 'l') {

    Write-Host "ERROR: Invalid Input."


else {


                $siteAddress = $null


    if($env -eq 't') { $siteAddress = '' }

    elseif($env -eq 'd') { $siteAddress = '' }

                elseif($env -eq 'p') { $siteAddress = '' }



echo $siteAddress


  # Get the SPSite object for a given SharePoint Url

  $SPSite = Get-SPSite $siteAddress

  if($SPSite -ne $null)


                # Get the root web site

    $Web = $SPSite.OpenWeb();


                # Get the list to which we wanted to associate the workflow

                $SPList =$Web.Lists["Announcements"];


                # Get the Approval Workflow Template by specifying current culture info

                # $Culture = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

                $Template = $Web.WorkflowTemplates.GetTemplateByName("Approval - SharePoint 2010",[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);


                # Try to get workflow history and task list 

                $TaskList = $Web.Lists["Workflow Tasks"];

                $HistoryList = $Web.Lists["Workflow History"];


    # Create workflow history list if it doesn't exist by default.

    if($HistoryList -eq $null)


                   $Web.Lists.Add("Workflow History", "My Workflow History","Lists/Workflow History", "00BFEA71-4EA5-48D4-A4AD-305DE7030140", 140, "101");

                   $HistoryList = $Web.Lists["Workflow History"];



                # Create the Workflow association by using Workflow Template, Task List and History List

                $Association=[Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAssociation]::CreateListAssociation($Template, "SharePoint Approval Workflow", $TaskList, $HistoryList);


                # Enable automatic workflow start when news created or changed and disable manual start option

                $Association.AllowManual = $false;

                $Association.AutoStartChange = $true;

                $Association.AutoStartCreate = $true;


                # Provide Association Data which includes as below

                # 1. Approvers SharePoint group for list of approvers.

                # 2. Serial order Workflow.

                # 3. Specify the notification message while sending notifications to approvers.

                # 4. Automatically reject the document if it is rejected by any participant.

                # 5. Update the approval status after the workflow is completed (use this workflow to control content approval).

                $approvalAssociationData = "

                <dfs:myFields xmlns:xsd=''




















                                                                                                <d:Stage xsi:nil='true' />





                                                                <d:NotificationMessage>Please have a look at submitted news.</d:NotificationMessage>

                                                                <d:DueDateforAllTasks xsi:nil='true' />

                                                                <d:DurationforSerialTasks xsi:nil='true' />

                                                                <d:DurationUnits>Day</d:DurationUnits><d:CC />








                $Association.AssociationData = $approvalAssociationData


                # Associate the approval workflow to News List

                $Workflow = $SPList.WorkflowAssociations.Add($Association);

                if($SPSite -ne $null)


                                Write-Host "Workflow has been attached successfully." -foregroundcolor "Green";





                                Write-Host "Workflow could not be attached." -foregroundcolor "Yellow";         





Script to Remove Workflow


  [string] $env = $(Read-Host  -prompt "Specify the environment you want to run on (D-Dev, T-Test,  P-Production) :")



$env = $env.ToLower()


if($env -ne 'd' -and $env -ne 't' -and $env -ne 'p') {

    Write-Host "ERROR:  Invalid Input."


else {


                $siteAddress =  $null


    if($env -eq 't') {  $siteAddress = '' }

    elseif($env -eq 'd') {  $siteAddress = '' }

                elseif($env -eq  'p') { $siteAddress = '' }   



  # Get the SPSite object for a  given SharePoint Url

  $SPSite = Get-SPSite  $siteAddress

  if($SPSite -ne $null)


                # Get the root  web site

    $Web = $SPSite.OpenWeb();


                # Get the list  to which we wanted to associate the workflow

                $SPList  =$Web.Lists["Announcements"];


                $workflowAssociation  = $SPList.WorkflowAssociations.GetAssociationByName("SharePoint Approval  Workflow", [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);


                if($workflowAssociation  -ne $null)


                                #  Remove workflow association to list



                                Write-Host  "Workflow association removed Successfully." -foregroundcolor  "Green"




                                Write-Host  "Workflow association could not be found." -foregroundcolor  "Yellow"





  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2015
    What If I dont want add the Workflow to a List? I Just want to add him into the Workflows Menu, so i can edit them in the SharePoint Designer. Is that possible?

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2015
    Without using a template. Just an empty Workflow