Feature of the Day: Reason Codes
Welcome to the Feature of the Day for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 - Reason Codes
GP2013 Inventory Reasons Codes.ppsx
July 17, 2012
Neat feature, is it possible to get the Learning Script link working?Anonymous
July 17, 2012
The learning script should be working. Here is a link to it: http://tinyurl.com/736btx9Anonymous
July 17, 2012
What codec is required to play the video? When I click to play the video it says 'codec unavailable'.Anonymous
July 17, 2012
Pam - fantastic stuff! The learning script link works when I type it in, or when I click on the link you posted above. However, when I click on the link from within the powerpoint presentation - i get a "cannot locate the intrernet server" message.Anonymous
July 17, 2012
The Learning Script link takes us to an intranet site (http://sharepoint/sites/dynamicsgp/GP12/). Probably that's the reason it's not working on the presentation. But link that you have provided on comments section works perfectly. Thanks for it.Anonymous
July 21, 2012
Great article!Anonymous
July 29, 2012
Nice value added feature