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Politics and Technology Forum – Openness and Transparency in Politics

Last week (1 June), Microsoft Australia supported by Open Forum, hosted its third Politics & Technology Forum at Parliament House Canberra, attended by public servants, political bloggers, representatives from political parties and the media.

The Forum, hosted by Mark Pesce, Inventor, writer, educator, and broadcaster, was keynoted by Iain Dale, leading UK political blogger and followed by a panel discussion of distinguished speakers including: - Senator Kate Lundy, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister; Joe Hockey MP, Shadow Treasurer; Stilgherrian; Dr Eric Clemons and Microsoft’s Gianpaolo Carraro. Attendees also saw a demonstration of Microsoft’s Townhall technology.

Iain Dale’s visit also attracted media attention including interview with ABC radio The World Today program, 666 ABC Radio Canberra drive time program, reference in The Australian newspaper, interview with ZDNET, BBC World News Service,  Steve Price radio program in Melbourne, and 720 Perth, as well as Iain’s blog post.

Watch the keynote presentation:

Politics and Technology Forum with Iain Dale from Sassoon G on Vimeo.

Watch the panel discussion part 1:

Politics & Technology Forum Panel part 1 from Sassoon G on Vimeo.

Watch the panel discussion part 2:

Politics and Technology Forum Panel part 2 from Sassoon G on Vimeo.