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Community Megaphone Feature Overview

Ever wondered what this Community Megaphone thing I keep mentioning is? Or why you’d want to use it?

Well, I’ve put together a little video to highlight the major features of Community Megaphone, to answer those (and hopefully more) questions (view full screen using the button at the lower right corner for best results):

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As noted in the video, two things coming in the very near future are integration with the Codezone events system, so that events entered in Community Megaphone show up on the Codezone web site, and vice versa. As part of that work, I will be able to offer a web service that other sites can call to automate the process of adding events to Community Megaphone.

Additionally, we’ll soon be rolling out support for IT Pro events in Community Megaphone, as well as some updates to event filtering to better allow users to focus on events in their area, or aligned with their specific interests.

I’m always open to suggestions from the community for new features, or questions about the site, so you can let me know via the contact page on my blog, or you can send in requests using the Feedback page on Community Megaphone.