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How to Install Oracle Linux 6 Update 3 on Hyper-V 2012 with LIS 3.4

Hello Virtualization Nation. Probably you are thinking, how an Premier Field Engineer that loves Windows Server may help a Linux Community ? Well, before starting at Microsoft’s World I was a Linux enthusiast, I started my career managing SCO Unix, yes I was born in 1978 but leaving these years on the past, today I love to help customer to get better experience, it does not matter if virtual machines are Windows or Linux. Recently I had the opportunity to help a important customer here in Brazil to win this challenge. Frequently some Oracle DBA told me that Linux didn’t work very well on Hyper-V, they were working more than 1 months to try install Linux and nothing, nothing, nothing, I love to hear these customers that are not satisfied to our product because I always have a chance to change the game and improve their satisfaction.

So,I decided to do step by step all procedures to install Oracle Linux on Hyper-V, of course first step was to make a download of ISO of Oracle Linux from Oracle Web Site (, I’ve used the version Release 6 Update 3 64 bits. I didn’t to try to use oldest versions but feel free to validate it. 


Make a download of LIS 3.4 HERE


Second step was to create a Virtual Machine without Network Interfaces ( yes ! no NICs synthetic or legacy). So create a VM into Hyper-V normally after remove Network Adapter, attach ISO and start it. Take a look VM settings below :


After that, install operating system using default values, during installation you will observe that Network settings will be not available to set IP address, don’t worry and continue and finish installation. Select “Install or upgrade an existing system”


Everybody know that Oracle Linux is a copy of Red Hat Linux, on the past there companies had contracts agreements broken because all customers that decided to use Oracle on Linux, Red Hat always was recommended, both companies won and had revenues. Leaving disagree between these companies, let’s go back to this article, Configure Network button will not be available, don’t worry and go, clique Next.


Wait for finishing, logon root and your password, use VI editor, it is easier and simple. I hope that you know it, it not visit

Edit /etc/grup.conf

# vi /etc/grub.conf set default = 1


# vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel, delete –uek from last of DEFUALT KERNEL..line


Reboot ( it is mandatory )

Insert ISO LIS 3.4 into virtual dvd

login as root again

# mount /dev/cdrom /media

# cd /media/RHEL63


Install Hyper-V Integration Services, execute ./

# ./



Shutdown virtual machine (#halt)

Insert Network Adapter (not legacy)


Start VM, integration services should be fine, before editing and configure network settings below

# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

# cp ifcfg-lo ifcfg-eth0


Edit ifcfg-eth0 and define your configurations (ip, mask, device name…)

#vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0








Now create or edit /etc/sysconfig/network file and include below information, gateway is yours

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network ( if it does not exist please create it )



HOSTNAME=your hostname

GATEWAY= your IP gateway

Edit /etc/resolv.conf and put at least one DNS IP server

# vi /etc/resolv.conf


or use system-config-network utility



Select Device Configuration



Finally, execute # ifup eth0 to start network interface 0 and after # ifconfig, observe that network interface eth0 is being showed now.


Linux Integration Services provides support for the modinfo command. To get module information for each installed kernel module, run the following command :

#/sbin/modinfo hv_vmbus


This command can be repeated for all kernel modules (hv_vmbus, hv_netvsc, hv_storvsc, hv_blkvsc, and hv_utils).

To verify that all subcomponents are running as the root user, issue the following command at a shell prompt :


,Remember : Don’t FORGET if your VM is on High Availability and you want to do Live Migration, MAC Address needs to be Static and no Dynamic


Change it on Advanced Features on Network Adapter Properties VM.


Well done ! Welcome to Linux on Hyper-V !! Interoperability is here !

Officially Oracle Linux is not supported by Microsoft, but it works perfectly. To learn more about which operating systems are officially supported, please visit :

Windows Server 2012: The Definitive Cloud OS


  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2013
    Thanks for this detailed writeup! Good work. You write: "Officially Oracle Linux is not supported by Microsoft, but it works perfectly." What would need to happen to change this?

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2013
    Hello Lenz ! An agreement between Microsoft and Oracle probably, but there is no provision for that to happen.

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2013
    Is it possible to do this without disabling the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel? I ask because Oracle Database 11g is only supported on OL6 if it is running the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel.

  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2013
    Works on Linux Oracle 6.4. Good Work Gilson, thank you.

  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2013
    Yeah, I'm with Michael. Why are we installing Oracle Linux if we're disabling the UEK?

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2013
    Agreed.. We are essentially running CentOS without the UEK

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2014
    Thanks everything worked fine.
    But the Network Speed is very limited. During copying the maximum speed goes to 5MB/s which is not acceptable.
    Please help in this regard.

  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2014
    Thank you, your article helped me

  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2014
    Thank you mate! the TIP on ethernet card removed before installing save my days! :)

  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2015
    great post. thank you

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2015
    How does work for SUSE11X64. Network card is not detecting while installation on HyperV

  • Anonymous
    March 16, 2015
    Hi ! I like this post and it was so much helpful for me ... thanks for sheering

    this.. u can also visite my site.. i think u will like it also.. thanks again

  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2015
    Thanks, thanks, thanks so much. It saved my life :) !

  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2015
    "Very Good Brother"

  • Anonymous
    September 15, 2015
    Great write up, but I have an issue where the VM can only see one IP range, so unable to support it from another office. Anyway to resolve this?