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The Third Annual Microsoft Academic Days Conference on Game Development in Computer Science Education- Call for papers

Call for Papers

GDCSE’08: The Third Annual Microsoft Academic Days Conference on Game Development in Computer Science Education

February 28-March 3, 2008

On board the Celebrity Century cruise ship departing from Miami, FL

Submissions deadline: October 15, 2008

Conference Paper Submissions:

GDCSE ‘08 – the Third Annual Microsoft Academic Days Conference on Game Development in Computer Science Education – is a focal point for academic efforts using computer and console games within the Computer Science curriculum.  Jointly sponsored by Microsoft Research and Electronic Arts, the conference is targeted at both computer science educators and researchers, promoting new efforts in the creation and management of courses and curriculum using game development.  The conference, now in its third year, will be held aboard the Celebrity Century cruise ship, departing from and returning to Miami, FL with port calls in Key West and Cozumel, Mexico. GDCSE’08 will include talks by invited speakers, presentation of peer-reviewed papers, hands-on tutorials and birds-of-a-feather meetings focusing on a range of topics related to the use of games in computer science education.

We invite researchers and educators to share insights and cutting-edge results relating to the use of games and game technologies in both formal and informal educational contexts.

All submissions will be evaluated for their technical merit, significance, clarity and their relevance both to researchers interested in the efficacy of games-based instruction and to faculty interested in the design of courses and programs that make use of games. All papers must show rigorous and compelling evaluation of the ideas they present. Topics should be explicitly related to the use of game development in Computer Science Education, including but not limited to:

· The design, execution and integration of game development classes within the Computer Science major.

· The use of game development projects in traditional Computer Science classes.

· Game development courses as capstone projects.

· Interdisciplinary collaboration with non-CS disciplines (both for students and for faculty).

· Game development concentrations and majors.

· Laboratory and infrastructure requirements for game development classes.

· The effect of game development classes on the Computer Science student.

All accepted paper submissions will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be available on CD, and will also be included in the ACM Digital Library.  Expanded versions of top papers from the proceedings will be selected to appear in a special issue of the Journal of Game Development.  For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the conference by the deadline for camera-ready copy submission.  Travel costs for one author of each accepted paper will be provided by Microsoft, including round-trip airfare to Miami as well as conference and cruise ship registration costs.  Specific restrictions apply for government employees and faculty from US Public Universities. Consult the conference web site ( for further details.

Electronic paper submission is required. Specific submission instructions are available at the GDCSE web site.  Paper authors must submit their papers by 11PM Pacific time on October 15, 2007.  Papers must not exceed five pages and must comply with the official ACM proceedings format using one of the templates provided at  GDCSE 08 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. This restriction does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues with a limited audience.


- August 15, 2007:  Submission engine available

- Oct

Technorati Tags: Game development, conference, cruise, academic, faculty, gaming, xna

ober 15, 2007: Electronic submission of papers due by 11PM Pacific time.

- November 18, 2007: Notification of acceptance sent to authors

- January 8, 2008: Camera-ready copy due

Further Detail & Online Conference Registration
