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The Apache Visit to Microsoft Campus: Day Two

Day two turned out to be quite a busy day!

First thing in the morning, we started off testing some Apache applications on Windows Server 2008, both the 64 and 32 bit versions.  Right away, a few things were uncovered, primarily around UAC, data redirection (where Windows redirects writes to the file system and registry to safe locations for low-rights processes) and an odd issue with an event mutex that we're tracking down.

After getting a little testing done, we had a great in-depth presentation of IIS by Senior Program Manager Thomas Deml.  Like the Core Networking presentation the day before, it was really informative, and the Apache folks took the opportunity to really drill down into the architecture of IIS. Why would they? Like I mentioned before, a number of Apache Projects (like Tomcat) support IIS in one way or another, and could benefit from tighter integration with IIS.

After lunch, Peter-Michael Osera and Li Shao spent a couple of hours addressing some of the C++ and toolset questions the Apache team brought.  They really did an admirable job answering the questions that they could, and the ones that they didn't have answers to, they are following up via email over the next couple of days.

After that, some more time for testing rounded out the rest of the day.

For supper, Sam Ramji, took the team out to Ruths' Chris Steakhouse for a fantastic meal, and we had a great evening talking about nearly everything under the sun.
