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Findit : New Aussie online classifieds

In my last post about map mashups, I had a comment pointed me to look at

Now, this sounded familiar. looking back in my inbox, I had been sent an email about it last week and I had seen some post from local bloggers.

The Findit online classified website recently moved to pre-beta release meaning that anyone can access the site and place ads.

We are keen to get suggestions on how we can make Findit more useful for communities and community organizations.

JWM has been retained by Findit which incorporates many popular social media features and will make them more relevant to an Australian audience.

We see these social media features as at the core of what Findit is about. We want the site to be community-driven.

For a start, like craigslist, , most of the ads will be free. Ads for items under the value of $500 will be free and ads in more than two-thirds of the categories like personals, births, deaths, swaps, share accommodation will always be free.

Advertisers will be able to upload videos of their items, as well as photographs. Users will be able to upload videos of local events, or whatever, and share these with friends.

We think Findit is the first service of its kind which is horizontal and fully searchable. It also offers 'popular search' clouds and is RSS-enabled to help users to monitor categories and searches.

A peculiarly Australian feature will be the involvement of newsagents. Already over a 1,000 newsagents around Australia have signed-up to sell ads.

Findit is also positioned to dramatically reduce the cost of online advertising in Australia, which for the most part is outrageously overpriced.

Findit has been created by Mark Fletcher who owns a software company and a newsagency and also writes the Australian Newsagency blog

The Marketplace category is the only category currently completely live. Additional categories will move live over the coming weeks.

Through this pre-beta phase all categories are available for no cost.

Anyways, the team from Find It have used Virtual Earth to provide their mapping services - cool!!!


I need to have a better look at the site now....
