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Get a sneak peek at Windows Vista and Microsoft Office "12"

If you want to learn more about Windows Vista and Microsoft Office "12", you can enroll to the ISV Touchdown Briefings for Windows Vista and Microsoft Office "12."

ISV TouchdownBriefings Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

The Office "12" preview includes the following:

  • The new UI extensibility model which includes: Application-centric task panes, add-in development, and Ribbon UI extensibility features.
  • The Microsoft Office System open XML File Format, which allows for manipulation of files, creating files without using the individual programs, repurposing content, and merging files with business data.
  • New Investments in Server-Side Components with Office "12": Excel Services, InfoPath Forms Server, and the enhanced capabilities of Share Point Portal Server v3 Office "12" will provide applications with server-based infrastructure for data calculation, common workspaces, and document lifecycle management.
