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Pattern and Practices : comment "bien" utiliser Team Foundation ?

Ca y est, un travail colossal vient d'aboutir à la première version (beta 1) du guide "Team Development with TFS". C'est un must-have, dans la collection aboutie de Pattern and Practices.

Dans ce guide, on peut bien sur trouver une description très complète des différents éléments du produit, mais aussi et surtout des conseils et bonnes pratiques sur la façon de s'en servir.

Quelques exemples choisis de façon tout à fait arbitraire :

  • Certains clients que j'ai rencontrés n'ont pas tout de suite l'intérêt des Areas et Iterations. On peut lire dans ce document :
    • Areas and Iterations. The out‐of‐box process templates do not provide a classification structure for either areas or iterations. You can customize the areas and iterations structure as per the process requirements you have. The recommend approach is to carve out the areas based on the component or features of the project. Iterations can be time based cycles for which you will repeat particular set of major activities (such as plan, develop, test).
  • On peut également lire dans ce document la marche à suivre pour développer offline:
    • To work off-line, you need to use the following strict workflow:
      1. Manually remove read-only flag
        By default, all files in the workspace that have not been checked out are marked as read-only. When you work without a server connection, you must manually remove the read-only flag from files before editing or deleting them. To do this, right-click the file in Windows Explorer, click Properties, uncheck the Read-only check box and click OK. Alternatively, you can use the DOS command “attrib -r”
      2. Edit files
        You can now edit any files for which you have removed the read-only flag.
      3. Add or delete files
        You can add or delete files for which you have removed the read-only flag. Do not rename files, because the TFPT online tool cannot distinguish a rename from a deletion paired with an add. Note that you have to specify an option to the Tfpt online command to get it to look for deletions, as this is a more time consuming operation.
      4. Run the TFPT online command
        When you are back online, run the TFPT online command by typing "TFPT online" at the command line. This command scans your workspace for writable files and determines what changes should be pended on the server. If you have deleted any files, use the /delete switch. This tells the tool to scan for deleted files in your local workspace as well. The tool then displays the online window from which you can choose which changes to pend into the workspace.
    • Important: You must not rename any files while you're off-line

On y lit encore que faire quand un développeur quitte l'équipe, des bonnes pratiques en matière de branches, des considérations spécifiques aux projets de grande taille.

Si vous n'avez pas de tendresse particulière pour les arbres : imprimez-le !!!

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