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New "From the Trenches" article by Chris Vandersluis: "The Project Management Maturity System Model"

Chris Vanderluis, president and founder of HMS Software, submitted his latest article to the From the Trenches column on the Project Server 2007 TechCenter on Microsoft TechNet.  This article,"The Project Management Maturity System Model", describes how as organizations mature, they can be more effective in the use of their project management systems.  When a company implements a project management system, their is sometimes a desire use every feature available. This article describes how it might be more effective for companies to elect to use only certain aspects of a new project management system to a level with wich they are comfortable with.  As the company continues to mature, their use of the project management system features can mature as well.  All of this is explained in a way that only Chris knows how.  If you haven't read any of Chris's articles, I recommend that you do.

 To download and read this article, click here.

 To see more of Chris Vandersluis's articles in the From the Trenches column, go to the Project Server 2007 TechCenter.