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Dynamics CRM 2016 On Premise Privacy Settings


Currently in CRM 2016 On Premise the Privacy settings does not include the disable/enable functionality of sending of reports to Microsoft.

This information is stored in the Organization table, within the ReportScriptErrors column.


There is a simple workaround via SDK for this.

To change this, using POSTMAN and the new WEB API for CRM 2016:

1. Download Google Chrome and install it. Afterwards you can install POSTMAN


3. In the URL area type http(s)://<CRMServer>:<PORT>/<ORGNAME>/api/data/v8.0/organizations(<OrganizationID>)

Replace the values between <> with the ones from your CRM Deployment

4. Select for the VERB : “PATCH”:


5. Click on Headers and add following

Content-Type application/json

OData-Version 4.0


6. Click on Body and select raw and then paste there following content


"reportscripterrors": 0


Note: You can toggle with this and set it to other values (example “reportscripterrors”: 1 )

7. Press SEND


8. Now you get the Privacy Tab in the personal options



Best Regards

EMEA Dynamics CRM Support Team


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