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Gotta love when that book you've been waiting for arrives

I just got my very own copy of Introduction To Parallel Algorithms and Architectures: Arrays, Trees and Hypercubes (F. Thomson Leighton). I don’t know what everyone else around here is in to, but I’ve been waiting several weeks for this one. It took some looking around, but I finally found a copy to call my own.


If you’ve read it, I’m interested in feedback on what I should expect. I suspect this text will take me several months to fully digest.


  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2004
    I don't know what the blog version of being a "plant" in the audience is, but since I recommended Prof. Leighton's book to Eric (in my defense, he asked), I felt I better come clean with my bias up front. As well, I felt obliged (and, stangely, honored...) to be the first to weigh in on this topic. :-)

    This book was placed on reserve in the library when I took my graduate Paralllel Algorithms and Architectures class, and when we were assigned hw problems from this book, the class let out a collective groan in anticipation of the time it would take from our lives. That being said, working those problems caused us to look through the rest of the book (typical avoidance behavior when the answer to a question isn't immediately obvious), and so began my acquaintance with Prof. Leighton's magnificent text. When Eric asked for a recommendation in this area, all those memories came back to me, and as a result, I recently purchased a copy for my own library. :-)

    Specifics? Well, we worked FFT problems on butterfly networks, and I believe simulating of same on a shuffle-exchange network. I'm sure there were more exercieses, but those were most memorable.

    The other book we used that semester -- the official textbook -- is the one by Selim Akl, "Parallel Compputation: Models and Methods." Also a good book that I highly recommend.

    Take your time reading this book Eric. Enjoy it. I never actually read it cover to cover, so I'm eager to read what you eventually have to say.

