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BizTalk Server SDK Sample Boxed Set

We have received a few requests to create a single zip file containing all of the SDK samples on the BizTalk Server Developer Center Code Samples page. Since this is something I can do quickly outside of formal channels, I grabbed a copy of all of the samples and crammed them into a single zip:

BizTalk Server SDK Sample Boxed Set 

This collection was made from all of the samples available 1/22/2007; I also threw in the current version of the Minty Fresh DBFunktoids. Unzipped, the directory takes about 50 megs. It includes all of the following:

appmgmtusingsso, bamhatcorrelation, consoleadapter, consumewebservices, correlation, customnettypeinorchestration, dbaccessusingdtc, DBFunktoids, deliverynotification, directboundtomessagebox, directboundtoorchestration, exceptionhandling, extension, failedtrackingdatabrowser, insertxmlnode, longrunningtx, loopingfunctoid, mappingrepeat, masscopyfunctoid, orchestrationinformation, parallelconvoy, policychaining, pubconswebsvcsoap, recoverableinterchangeprocessing, scatterandgather, simplerolelink, splitfilepipeline, sqladapterusingdtc, ssoconfigurationsource, tableloopingfunctoid, valuemappingfunctoid, webserviceconsuming

Look for an official collection available on the Code Samples page in the next month or so. But in the meantime, get your BizTalk Server on with the unofficial zip.

