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Schedule of Year-End Closing Blog Posts for Dynamics GP

The Dynamics GP Team will be creating blog posts this year related to Year-End closing processes for Dynamics GP. Below is the schedule of upcoming blog posts.

November 15, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Install & Upgrade
November 17, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: US Payroll

November 22, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Inventory
November 24, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Receivables Management

November 29, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Payables Management
December 01, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Fixed Assets

December 06, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Analytical Accounting
December 08, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Canadian Payroll

December 13, 2011Year-end Closing 2011 for Microsoft Dynamics GP: General Ledger


****New for the 2011 year, there is a Year-End Video!!!!****
Check it out....SO COOL!

Check out the Developing for Dynamics GP Blog for additional information on Year-End Closing.


Additional links to Year-End information posted by our Dynamics Community members

Content provided by Frank Hamelly
It's Year End Already??!!

GP2themax - Helping users get the 'max'
from Dynamics GP

Content Provided by Sivakumar Venkataraman
Year End Close in Analytical Accounting

Year End Close Issue with AA – Workaround

Once each individual module is posted to the Dynamics GP Support and Services Blog this post will be updated to include the direct link to the individual module posts. This will enable you to use the schedule post as a main landing page.

Have a great Year-End!!

