Bandwidth Drought
I'm off in Winnipeg, visiting relatives for Christmas, and I've been experiencing severe bandwidth issues. I brought my laptop along to do some work on my next book, check email and to play movies for my son, but I've barely even had it on. Dial-up isn't usually a problem for me, even though I have broadband, I use it in hotels all the time and it works fine for email, etc.... but I just haven't been able to get anything done this time around. It turns out that the issue is lack of a suitable time to get connected, not the connection itself. I'm staying in a small apartment with people sleeping in almost every room... and since I hate to try and do work when I should be visiting or playing with Connor (my son), I normally restrict my work to after everyone else goes to sleep... but once everyone is asleep, there is nowhere for me to hook up without bugging someone :)
I finally gave up and decided to just find a wi-fi spot at a Starbucks and do some email and other network-based work there, but Starbucks in Winnipeg doesn't have wi-fi and (other than the airport) it seems that nothing else does either!
I'm spoiled and I know it, but if I still lived here I would start petitioning some local coffee shop (like the FYXX) to provide wi-fi (for free)... I suspect that the increase in geek customers would more than justify the cost.
Ah well, for now I'm sitting in the dark trying to type quietly.
- Anonymous
December 24, 2003
Just come by the office man... you can connect and do your stuff... - Anonymous
December 30, 2003
Whiner-Fi?? Just park outside of my place and I will give you connectivity. Did you try the new Fyxx on Dakota across from St. Vital Centre? - Anonymous
December 30, 2003
I know what you mean, but atleast you have some place that has wi-fi. I am begining to think there is no such thing as broadband here where I live... except the college - Anonymous
December 30, 2003
You are back to the caves man!
I think your son and in-situ relatives do deserve more attention than wideband and wifi...
The most preferable bandwidth in my view is real life 10Mbit ! -;)
/ Lars J - Anonymous
December 31, 2003
Thanks for the comments folks :)
Lars J, I would never ignore my family... don't worry! I'm only trying to connect once everyone else has headed off to bed!!