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DevDays call for presentations

DevDays 2014 will be held in co-operation with Names and NamesDays on 2nd October 2014. The selected venue is Dipoli in Espoo.

DevDays will consist of three tracks which are tentatively named:

1. Tools - make most out of Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio Online
-AppInsight - how my application would benefit from it
-VS 2013 - hidden gems - how to use tools more effectively
-VS Online and performance testing - tips and tricks

2. Cloud Platforms - how to effectively use various Microsoft Cloud Services
-SaaS and Azure AD - benefits
-Cloud Scale -stories

3. Modern Applications - how exploit new hardware and changing user habits with software
-Universal Apps - huh?
-Bridging the chasm between WinRT and Desktop world - how to do it
-Feeling Blue in your pocket - what now?

Session can be either 60 or 30 minutes - depending on the subject - it is your choice. If your favourite subject does not fit into these themes - send it anyways - the audience will love it!

Send your suggestions to or contact me if you need more information.