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SkyDrive - making the sky better

The cool SkyDrive site has been upgraded with some new features.  The first big feature, which to be honest about is something I am not too bothered about as I won't use it, is the ability to add captions to files.  This works great if you use SkyDrive to share photos with family and friends.



The second big feature, and one that I am very pleased about, is the ability to browse through your files without having to return to the main folder window first in order to switch to a different file.  This always bothered me, especially when using the site over a slow Internet connection as it took for ever to browse through files.



And finally, the feature that I have been nagging the team about for a while now is the ability to switch to a "Details" view, just like Windows Explorer.  :-)  Superb!



Now if only I could synchronise my files via Live Mesh into SkyDrive and vice versa...  Or even better, have my SkyDrive appear as a shared folder on my Live Mesh Web Desktop, that really would be something!