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Microsoft Convergence 2012 Houston - Day 3 cont.

David Meego - Click for blog homepage

After the fantastic Closing Keynote it was time for the final concurrent sessions of the conference.

As I mentioned Mariano and I had to leave while question time was still running because we needed to get to our room and complete our tech checks.

We started with the repeat of our introductory Support Debugging Tool session: CSGP19-R2 Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP Like a Pro with The Support Debugging Tool. We had a fairly good turn out for a repeat session on the last day.

After a quick lunch and a visit to the Microsoft Convergence Store, it was time to sit in on the repeat of the Security Interactive Discussion IDGP02-R2 Ask the Experts: Security in Microsoft Dynamics GP. This session was great with lots of interaction with the audience.

Then it was time for our second repeat session CSGP23-R2 Advanced Microsoft Dynamics GP: Administration with the Support Debugging Tool. Mariano and I were pleased with the number of people in the audience, it is always hard to get the numbers as we near the end of the conference.

One thing I will never understand is people who leave conference before the last session is over. To spend the money to attend and pay for flights and accomodation, would it really be that bad to catch a later flight or leave the next day?

The final session of the day and of the conference saw Mariano and I attend John Lowther's and Leslie Vail's repeat session: CSGP20-R2 The New Microsoft Dynamics GP Administrator. While their first session was good, their second session was awesome. There was much more content relevant to the Accidental Administrator, less slides and more demos. I hope to see this session become a regular fixture at Convergence.

It was now approaching 6pm and we though that we would head down to the Speaker Room for one last check of the evaluation scores. Yes, we are interested in the scores and comments for our sessions. This is how we improve them. Anyhow when we got there, the sign said the room closes at 5pm, but the door was still open. Inside, we found one of the unsung heroes, Ace Martin was still working away finishing up. She showed us her schedule with all the sessions for the entire conference with times and room slots.

Ace Martin in the speakers room with her chart of all the sessions

We (speakers and friends of speakers) decided to grab one more photo before saying good bye and thank you.

Back Row: Ted Mauldin, John Lowther and Beat Bucher
Front Row: Ace Martin, David Musgrave, Leslie Vail, Sheila Jefferson-Ross and Mariano Gomez

The conference was now over. Everything was done and dusted.

We walked back to the hotel to dump our gear and freshen up and then met back in the lobby for a farewell dinner. It took a while to gather everyone together and choose a venue.

Eventually we walked down to the Houston Pavilions and had a lovely Italian dinner at Mia Bella Trattoria. Going around the table we had John Lowther, Mariano Gomez, Sheila Jefferson-Ross, Jennifer Musgrave, Jon Rivers, Ted Mauldin, Leslie Vail, David Musgrave, Susan Moore, Kim Peterson and Beat Bucher. When it came to desert and coffee time, I had a surprise up my sleeve (well in my office-in-a-bag backpack).

I pulled out the last of the 10 packets of Arnott's Tim Tams and challenged all to a round of Tim Tam slams. The Tim Tam is described as "The most indulgent chocolate biscuit".

The Tim Tam is made of two rectangular chocolate biscuits surrounding a layer of vanilla, butter and chocolate cream, all covered in creamy chocolate.

The Tim Tam Slam is a party trick where you nibble off both ends of the Tim Tam to remove the outer layer of chocolate. Then you use the Tim Tam like a straw to suck a hot drink (coffee or hot chocolate) into your mouth. As soon as the hot drink gets to your mouth, you must throw the entire Tim Tam into your mouth before it melts and disintegrates.

Get it right and you end up with a chocolate orgasm explosion in your mouth. Get it wrong and you end up with chocolate all over your face, hands, clothes, etc.

I have not tried them, but in the USA, Pepperidge Farm is making their version of Tim Tams.

One final point: For those of you who think I get to eat lots of Tim Tams... you are wrong. Jennifer never has them in the house and when I bring some to conferences in the US, I give almost all of them away.

Anyhow the night finished with most of the dinner guest trying the Tim Tam Slam, enjoy the photos and video below: 

Kim Peterson attempts the Tim Tam Slam with Susan Moore looking on

John Lowther successfully completes the Tim Tam Slam

As does Beat Bucher 

and so does Mariano's business partner, Ted Mauldin


Kim Peterson and Susan Moore try a synchronised Tim Tam Slam

After walking back to the hotel it was time for good byes. Jennifer and I would be staying with Jennifer's friend for the last couple of nights.


PS: At least I am not in this year's embarrasing video, not like last year.


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2012
    David, but you rocked. Maybe, you were lil' too busy with your work that you couldn't remember / rehearse your moves this year. :P

  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2012
    I have to say that I enjoyed the Tim Tam Slam much more than I thought I would.  Thanks for the experience. Sheila