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Microsoft Convergence 2012 Houston - Day 1 cont.

David Meego - Click for blog homepage

After the Opening Keynote and the Microsoft Dynamics GP General Session, it was time for lunch. The logistics of providing food for 10,000 plus people is awe inspiring. I took a couple of photos of the lunch hall area, one during lunch when there were people around and another later in the day when the area was empty. You can see the scale for yourselves.

Lunch Hall when busy

Lunch all when empty

After lunch, Mariano and I spent a little time in the speaker room. We thought it would be a good idea to start working on our sessions..... Just kidding. We had finished them yesterday. :-)

Then it was time to present our first Support Debugging Tool session, CSGP19-R1 Administering Microsoft Dynamics GP like a Pro with the Support Debugging Tool. We had around 200 attendees and the session went well despite a minor technical hiccup.

David and Mariano just before our first Support Debugging Tool session

During our introductions, my microphone failed and I had to get close and personal with Mariano to use his mic. The sound guy was quick to find the cause of the problem and fix it.

Cuddling up to Mariano so I could use his microphone after mine failed

After our session, we picked up Jennifer and spent the next few hours walking around the Expo hall for the Expo Reception. There was a vast number of ISVs and vendors showing what they had to offer for all of the Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM products.  While there I caught up with a number of my colleagues from the Microsoft Dynamics GP support team in Fargo, North Dakota, USA who were manning the Help Desk area in the Expo hall. 

Help Desk Team: Lucas Miller, Nicole Albertson, Sarah Purdy and Greg Willson

Help Desk Team: Lee Butenhoff, Chad Aberle, Scott Stephenson, Tammy Torgerson, Corey Davidson

I also managed to catch up with my good friends at Rockton Software. This year, their stand was themed as a bar with back lit bottles and wait staff ready to talk to you.  Then again, the photo below shows what a hip and happening team they have at Rockton. 

Mark Rockwell and Jim Peliksza from the Rockton Software Bar... err ... expo stand

Finally we got kicked out of the Expo hall and headed back to the hotel to get some sleep. Too tired for the Rock'n'Rave party.
