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OneNote Blogsphere roundup for June 2007

Another great month of blog posts about OneNote 2007, here they are:

  1. "Microsoft OneNote 2007 is one of the best programs I have ever used."
  2. "I am a OneNote junkie!"
  3. "My newly-found friend… His name is OneNote! Hehehe, me and OneNote!"
  4. "I just started using Microsoft One Note. I hate to rave about an MS product but currently I'm loving it."
  5. "OneNote 2007 leaves [OneNote 2003] in the dust with enhancements of what was great about it’s predecessor and new features that almost seem too futuristic to be real,"
  6. "It's no secret I love OneNote, the most innovative application added to Microsoft Office in many years, and don't hesitate to show off how great it is."
  7. "This program is great for EVERYONE, from businesspeople to a soccer Mom"
  8. "Another very promising productivity tool from Microsoft - OneNote, just caught my eye. "
  9. Its rather clever. I’d like to think it will solve all my problems.   I’ll be able to organise my life and magically solve all my time-management problems
  10. "Earlier this week I came across the 7Breaths blog and the GTD with OneNote collected links article and was immediately intrigued"
  11. "One Note to rule them all..."
  12. "There is a pretty smart TAB feature in OneNote that will make you say WOW, and it is very simple"

Thanks to Mike for collecting these and thanks to everyone else for giving us feedback and making us blush.
