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OK, I'm somewhere between Wyatt Earp an Merve Hughes!

So my mo’ is going well, I’ve been keeping it well shaved, and there is no chance that it will be mistaken for a goatee or beard…this is clearly a moustache!

In addition to my mo’, I also picked up my new Hilux this weekend, this was a big deal for me, since my Alfa was the devil, but here is the interesting thing…my new mo’ and new truck have added me to an secret society of “real men”!

So where’s my proof!? Well, on Saturday, Yil and I were driving back from lunch, and were waiting at a set of traffic lights, for our turn to go. Turning into the street we were on, was an oldish gentlemen with a massive handlebar moustache in a F150 pickup. As soon as he saw me, he waved his hand. Not a “hi everyone” wave, it was a “I know you know” wave. I was a little surprised, but almost as if had been programmed deep in my genetics, I raised my hand in a true confederate soldier salute! It had started…

My next incident was on my way to work this morning. I pulled into the BP just down the road from my house, and was filling up the truck, when a guy in an older Hilux pulled into the pump bay about two down from me. He immediately walked over and started inspecting my vehicle. He then asked me if I planned to do any roo shooting, and if I did, he could take me out to some good locations out Seymour way. I kindly declined, and then drove away very fast.

I will continue to keep a detailed log of both my moustache, truck, and moustache/truck stories for the month of Movember! And remember, sponsor my humiliation, and the very important cause of Prostate Cancer awareness!

BTW, I received my copy of The Build Master…won’t be long now until all my Excel spreadsheet projects are build by the master!
