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Next BIWUG meeting on Records Management

Next Tuesday -  September 19th (not September 21st as initially announced) - the BeLux Information Worker User Group (BIWUG) organises its first meeting after the summer holidays. The main topic to be discussed during the meeting is Records Management.

Records management definition on Wikipedia:

"Records Management is the practice of identifying, classifying, archiving, preserving, and sometimes destroying records. There is an International Standard on records management, ISO 15489: 2001. This defines records management as, "The field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records".

The ISO defines records as "information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person , in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business". The International Committee on Archives (ICA) Committee on Electronic Records defines a record as, "a specific piece of recorded information generated, collected or received in the initiation, conduct or completion of an activity and that comprises sufficient content, context and structure to provide proof or evidence of that activity". While the definition of a record is often identified strongly with a document, a record can be either a tangible object or digital information which has value to an organization. For example, birth certificates , medical x-rays , office documents , databases and application data , and e-mail are all examples of records."

During the session records management in WSS v3 and MOSS 2007 will be discussed but also other solutions will be covered.

"Records management is often very important for companies that want coverage of the full document life cycle. The Windows SharePoint Services v3 and the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 introduces major innovations to support this now. We are moving definitely to an integrated enterprise content management platform with SharePoint. The goal of the session is to discuss this, see some demos and presentations and hopefully we can get a partner such as Meridio to demonstrate their products."

Interesting to know is that the BIWUG board has decided to open the sessions also for non BIWUG members. So no fee is applied anymore. But please do register through the BIWUG web site.

Details of the meeting:

When? Tuesday, September 19, 2006 from 18:00 - 20:30

DigiPoint Oudenaarde
Meersbloem-Melden 46 B4
B - 9700 Oudenaarde
Route description

Agenda :

18:00 – 18:30      Welcome and Introduction
18:30 – 19:00      Community Briefing
19:00 – 19:15      Break
19:15 – 19:45      Overview Records Management with MOSS 2007
19:45 – 20:45      Demonstration Meridio Products
20:45 – 21:00      Closing Note

Technorati tags: Community, BIWUG, MOSS 2007, Records Management