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Write an Azure app to win a NetBook!

Well... at least be entered into a contest to win one of three Dell Minis. 

I really like it when I find interesting projects like this: a contest for Azure apps that is being done by an independent organization, not affiliated with Microsoft.  Just a great developer community engaging their developers in an interesting way.

The folks at CodeProject have very clear instructions on setting up accounts, developing applications, deploying applications, and then de-provisioning them (hey! with a link to my blog... which actually how I found out about the contest... suddenly got a spike in views in Feb that came from CodeProject).  So there's another thing I like: unexpected links that drive a bunch of traffic to my blog :)

Go ahead, give it a shot...

As I've mentioned before - Cloud platforms, like Windows Azure, are a fantastic choice for Open Government solutions, so for those of you who are in the Public Sector space, consider this an opportunity to kill two birds with one app.

 Also - if anyone has any good Government-oriented apps, let me know about them... would love to showcase them on my blog and on the Public Sector Developer portal:


ps. have to reiterate that the challenge is from The Code Project, which is an independent third-party, not affiliated with Microsoft... and it's not a Microsoft contest or offering.  So if you have specific questions about the contest or rules, please work through the folks at The Code Project.