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2009-4-11 release of the All-In-One Code Framework

Our MSDN Forum support team has launched a program All-in-One Code Framework. Recently, we have released a new version of the All-In-One Code Framework.

For more details, please visit,

And the download link,


The followings are samples added in the this version,

1. CSServicedComponent, VBServicedComponent:

Use C# and VB.NET to write a COM+ component


2. CSLinqToEntities, CSLinqToDataSets

They are used to illustrate the “LINQ to Entities” and “LINQ to DataSets”. With the “CSLinqToSQL” in the last version, all LINQ related samples are finished.


3. CSVstoExcelWorkbook

This is a VSTO document-level customized sample on Excel workbook. It mainly shows how to use the “Excel List Obejct” and “Action Pane”.


4. VBClassLibrary, VBReflection

They are the VB.NET version of the original CSClassLibrary and CSReflection sample. They illustrate how to write a ClassLibrary and use .NET Reflection to load/use the assembly.


5. MFCClipboard

Use clipboard in the MFC application


6. CSWinFormLocalization, CSWinFormGeneral

The CSWinFormLocalization sample illustrates how to do windows form localization step by step. In addition, the CSWinFormGeneral shows how to transfer parameters between two forms.


7. CSWindowsHook

It illustrates how to hook global low level keyboard and mouse event, as well as the local Windows event.


8. CppStackOverflow, CppStackCorruption

These two samples show the most typical scenarios that cause the stack overflow and corruption. You can find some information in the ReadMe.txt on how to troubleshoot the stact overflow and corruption.


If you have any suggestions or feedbacks on our program, please free feel to leave a comment.
