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Some Notification properties that may prove useful


These will end up being published in a KB article shortly. But since I have them, they are worth publishing here.

In addition to the notification properties you are able to add via Settings,Notification from the Administration space for Global notification settings or via the custom formats within your subscription, the list below list some other currently undocumented properties that may prove useful.

Excel sheet with the details below is also available to download here\


$Data/Context/DataItem/AlertId$                                         The AlertID GUID
$Data/Context/DataItem/AlertName$                                   The Alert Name
$Data/Context/DataItem/Category$                                    The Alert category PerformanceHealth,PerformanceCollection,Operations,EventCollection,StateCollection,SoftwareAndUpdates,Alert,System,Custom,AvailabilityHealth,ConfigurationHealth,SecurityHealth,Discovery,NotificationCategory,Maintenance
$Data/Context/DataItem/CreatedByMonitor$                      True/False
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom1$                                     CustomField1
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom2$                                    CustomField2
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom3$                                    CustomField3
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom4$                                    CustomField4
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom5$                                    CustomField5
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom6$                                     CustomField6
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom7$                                     CustomField7
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom8$                                     CustomField8
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom9$                                     CustomField9
$Data/Context/DataItem/Custom10$                                  CustomField10
$Data/Context/DataItem/DataItemCreateTime$                          UTC Date/Time of Dataitem created
$Data/Context/DataItem/DataItemCreateTimeLocal$                  LocalTime Date/Time of Dataitem created
$Data/Context/DataItem/LastModified$                                     UTC Date/Time DataItem was modified
$Data/Context/DataItem/LastModifiedLocal$                               Local Date/Time DataItem was modified
$Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntity$                                  ManagedEntity GUID
$Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityDisplayName$                ManagedEntity Display name
$Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityFullName$                     ManagedEntity Full name
$Data/Context/DataItem/ManagedEntityPath$                            Managed Entity Path
$Data/Context/DataItem/Priority$                                               The Alert Priority Number (High=1,Medium=2,Low=3)
$Data/Context/DataItem/Owner$                                                 The Alert Owner
$Data/Context/DataItem/RepeatCount$                                       The Alert Repeat Count
$Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionState$                                   Resolution state ID (0=New, 255= Closed)
$Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateLastModified$                        UTC Date/Time ResolutionState was last modified
$Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateLastModifiedLocal$                Local Date/Time ResolutionState was last modified
$Data/Context/DataItem/ResolutionStateName$                                   The Resolution State Name (New, Closed)
$Data/Context/DataItem/ResolvedBy$                                   Person resolving the alert
$Data/Context/DataItem/Severity$                                       The Alert Severity ID
$Data/Context/DataItem/TicketId$                                        The TicketID
$Data/Context/DataItem/TimeAdded$                                  UTC Time Added
$Data/Context/DataItem/TimeAddedLocal$                           Local Time Added
$Data/Context/DataItem/TimeRaised$                                  UTC Time Raised
$Data/Context/DataItem/TimeRaisedLocal$                            Local Time Raised
$Data/Context/DataItem/TimeResolved$                                UTC Date/Time the Alert was resolved
$Data/Context/DataItem/WorkflowId$                                    The Workflow ID (GUID)
$Target/Property[Type="Notification!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertNotificationSubscriptionServer"/WebConsoleUrl$                                                  The Web Console URL
Target/Property[Type="Notification!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertNotificationSubscriptionServer"/PrincipalName$                                                     The principalname of the management server
$Data/Recipients/To/Address/Address$                                                                                                        The name of the recipient (e.g. the Email alias to which the notification is addressed)


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Here are a couple a tidbits on command notification with Operations Manager 2007 I’ve seen people

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: Steve Rachui's Manageability blog - SMS/MOM Steve has blogged about commandline notifications

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    There is a couple of things about OpsMgr 2007 notifications, that may not be so obvious at first sight.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    how do i get the notifications to say "critical error" or "service unavailable" or "warning" like they did in the good old days, instead of 0, 1, or 2?

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I have a performance based rule, and I would like to have the counter value included in the alert description. Is that possible? I've tried using the following, but it does not work: $Data/Context/Property[@Name='[Free Megabytes]']$

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Found the answer in Boris Yanushpolsky's blog. Counter Value                      - $Data/Context/Value$ Performance Object Name    - $Data/Context/ObjectName$ Performance Counter Name  - $Data/Context/CounterName$ Performance Instance Name - $Data/Context/InstanceName$

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    More patience was all I needed. I found the option under Administration/Settings/Web Addresses. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers, Lain